Venue: Virtual
Contact: Jess Daniel - Democratic Services Officer 07385401877
Note: Please note - this meeting has changed from hybrid to virtual
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from County Borough Councillor D Evans, D Parkin, G Stacey and D Owen-Jones. |
DECLARATION OF INTEREST To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct
1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and
2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Minutes: In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, County Borough Councillor S Bradwick declared a personal interest in respect of Item 4 DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT 2023/24 “I previously worked for Adult Services before I was elected.” |
To approve as an accurate record the minutes of the virtual meeting of the Community Services Scrutiny Committee held on the 9th September 2024. Minutes: It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the 9th September 2024 as an accurate reflection of the meeting. |
CONSULTATION LINKS Information is provided in respect of relevant consultations for consideration by the Committee. Minutes: Information is provided in respect of relevant consultations for consideration by the Committee. |
Early Years Transformation Programme final evaluation To receive a report in respect of the Early Years Transformation Programme final evaluation. Additional documents: Minutes: The Strategic Programmes & Community Partnership Manager presented the report which provided Members with an update on the progress of the Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) Transformation of Early Years Services needs based approach and the independent evaluation report undertaken by ISOS.
The Strategic Programmes & Community Partnership Manager outlined the background and Members were informed that the development of the vision for Providing the right support, to the right people, at the right time, in the right place started as far back as July 2017, with the decision endorsed by the Councils Cabinet in July 2019 and the approval by the Welsh ministers to pilot changes granted in February 2020. The Strategic Programmes & Community Partnership Manager shared that there were some conditions applied as outlined in paragraph 3.4 mainly that the geographical nature of flying start ran parallel with the needs-based approach and that the whole change was externally evaluated.
The Strategic Programmes & Community Partnership Manager informed Members that alongside this, in 2019-20 Welsh Government National Early Years Transformation Programme (EYTP) was introduced, setting out the ambition to deliver as in `Prosperity for ALL’ to create a truly joined up, responsive system that puts the unique needs of each child at its heart. Developing an overarching set of regional priorities, the integration transformation fund followed in 20-21 managed by RCT on behalf of Cwm Taf Morgannwg (CTM) partners for the next three years. Members were informed that in December 2023 formal notification of this programme closure was advised which was to end in March 2024.
As part of this wider context of developing the EYTP, the external evaluation report, by Miller Research, as outlined in appendix 2 provides members with the progress that has been made in meeting the regional priorities listed in paragraph 3.6.
Members were informed that section 4 of the report provides the details of RCT Early Years Delivery Model and the Strategic Programmes & Community Partnership Manager highlighted some key points to Members as outlined below: • All four strands of Flying Start (Parenting, Childcare, Enhanced Health Visiting and Early Language and Communication are now available on needs basis which has seen a shift away from historically resulting in a postcode lottery for children and families living in RCT.
• The Council’s Resilient Family Service (RFS) acting as a front door, providing support built around the needs of the family.
• Parenting support that results in universal for all access to information, advice, and guidance, tailoring bespoke interventions that acknowledge the individual experiences of families. It was pointed out to Members that this bespoke support in 2023-24 reached 895 families.
• Childcare through Flying Start, and the expansion, has provided in 2023-24 1,506 children in RCT to be offered a funded childcare place ensuring that the most vulnerable children are receiving childcare regardless of where they live in RCT.
• The Communities Working Together for Children’s Health (CWTCH) Programme provides all families in RCT with an enhanced level of Health Visiting contact as set out in the Health Child ... view the full minutes text for item 14. |
DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT 2023/24 Pre-Scrutiny – For Members to scrutinise and make any recommendations to the report before presenting to Cabinet. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Social Services presented the report to Members outlining the purpose of the report to present the Community Services Scrutiny Committee with a draft copy of the Director of Social Services Annual Report for 2023/24 in accordance with Part 8 of the Code of Practice of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014.
The Director outlined the detail of the report which summarised the assessment of the key developments and challenges in Children’s and Adults services, how this links to the Council’s Corporate plan and provides examples of how the service area has works to promote and improve the wellbeing of those in need of support. The Director pointed out to Members that the report also sets out service improvement priorities for 2024/25.
Members were informed that 2023/24 was a challenging and rewarding year for Social Services and Adults and Childrens services continue to feel the pressure related to capacity, demand, and complexity of need. The Director referenced the difficult financial position across all public sector, and highlighted how the Council is having to balance service pressures and look to make cost savings. The Director informed Members that Adult and Children’s Services remain a priority for the Council. Notwithstanding significant challenges, Adults and Childrens services have continued to deliver and develop services working in partnership where possible to identify opportunities to tackle issues and maximise resources to ensure continue to meet statutory obligations.
The Director thanked the Directors of Adults and Childrens services and their teams for their hard work ensuring that RCT residents receive the care and support needed.
A Member referenced the Compliments that are presented in the report and queried whether compliments are fed back to staff as part of the process. The Director acknowledged the importance of sharing praise when it is received and confirmed to Members that all compliments are shared with the relevant staff.
Another Member queried the staffing levels in Social Services and in particular Children’s Services noting the heavy workloads of staff in this area. The Director confirmed there is a large workforce and also an equal number of services are commissioned. The Director of Children’s Services confirmed there are around 600 posts in this area. Seen around 30% increase in demand over the last 4 years. The Director of Social Services added that Adult Services is approximately double the staff of Children’s Services and again highlighted the increased demand and complexity of needs across all services.
Discussion was held around the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) Quality of Care Inspection Reports 2023/24 in relation to Children’s Services as outlined in the report. A Member noted the priority action notices in relation to one home and requested further information on this. The Director of Children’s Services confirmed to Members that the priority action notices were to do with the fabric of the building rather than quality of care but were still concerning to the service. The home is being refurbished currently to meet the appropriate standards of care for CIW ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
SOCIAL SERVICES REPRESENTATIONS, COMPLIMENTS AND COMPLAINTS PROCEDURES ANNUAL REPORT To provide Members with an overview of the operation and effectiveness of the Council’s statutory Social Services complaints procedure between 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Social Services presented the report to Members which provides an overview of the operation and effectiveness of the Council’s statutory Social Services complaints procedure between 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024. The Director summarised the content of the report including information on the background of the Social Services statutory complaints procedure, information on lessons learnt from complaints and performance data for Adults and Children’s Social Services, together with achievements for 2023/24 and future developments.
The Director of Social Services took Members through the high-level detail of stage 1 and 2 complaints as set out in the report and highlighted to Members how the details and levels of complaints highlight the complexity and the nature of the work across Social Services. The Director acknowledged a small increase in complaints and shared with Members this is due to increased service pressure and service changes.
The Director highlighted to Members that although an important process, the number of complaints received in relation to the number of individuals supported by the service remain relatively low.
Members were informed that of the Stage 1 complaints that were received across both service areas 43.54% (64) were closed within the statutory 15 working day period. This is a small decrease from the previously reported figures in 2022/23 although the Director shared that it is felt that it is attributable to increases in case and complexity capacity and the need to balance service risk and priorities. Members were assured that the service area is working closely with Customer Feedback and Engagement and Complaints team to consider how to support individual service areas more to improve response times.
The Director concluded the presentation by sharing with Members that it is felt the annual report provides reassurance that despite the continued pressures and increasing complexities in social care the Council has maintained a good quality of service in Adult’s and Children’s services, which is also highlighted in the number of compliments which are referenced in the report.
A Member referred to the data contained within the report in relation to the summary of the nature of the complaints received and highlighted the apparent consistent theme of a lack of communication / engagement across both Adult’s and Children’s Services. The Member queried whether this is to be expected due to the nature of the cases being dealt with by the service or if there have been any areas of improvement identified. The Director acknowledged that decisions that are taken by the service area are often difficult, and this can lead to misunderstanding. However, these can be resolved with conversations which is reflected in the report. It was also acknowledged that there were opportunities to improve the provision of information and guidance which was not provided in the way the service area may have wanted. Members were informed that as a result, guidance has been updated and there have also been improvements to the service area’s website. The service area are continually working to improve communication and ensure ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
CHAIR'S REVIEW AND CLOSE Minutes: The Chair thanked Officers for their presentation of the reports covering such complex issues and shared it is pleasing to see the ongoing work within the service areas. The Chair also thanked Officers and all staff within the service areas for their ongoing hard work in challenging times. Members were reminded of the upcoming joint meeting with the Council’s Corporate Parenting Board which will scrutinise in greater depth the Children’s Residential Transformation Strategy and the issues raised in tonight’s meeting. |
URGENT BUSINESS Minutes: None. |