Venue: Multi Location
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct Note: 1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Minutes: In accordance with the code of conduct there were no declarations pertaining to the agenda |
Q4 Performance Report PDF 3 MB To provide Overview and Scrutiny with an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective Minutes: The Service Director Democratic Services and Communications introduced the report to Members on the Quarter 4 Council Performance Report to 31 March 2024. He advised of the importance the information provides to the scrutiny process, particularly in terms of service delivery, but also in terms of informing matters for further consideration based on the performance information provided. He added that it is the responsibility of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to refer any exceptions identified to the relevant subject scrutiny Committee for further consideration.
The Service Director - Corporate & Management Accounting presented the report to Members that detailed the year-end position statements for revenue and capital budget performance; Treasury Management prudential indicators; Organisational Health information including staff turnover, sickness and Council strategic risks; and Corporate Plan priority action plans (including performance indicators and investment). Following conclusion of the presentation of the report, the Chair opened for Members comments and questions
A Member referred to the sickness absence levels in the Community and Childrens Services Directorate which has remained high for some time, the Member asked for more information on this.
The Service Director - Community & Childrens Finance advised that there are ongoing challenges in the care sector and it is advised that if the care providers are ill that they do not come into work due to the vulnerable people they care for. He advised that he can provide specific cost detail following the meeting.
A Member was concerned at underspend in ALN, particularly with the requirements in the ALN Act and also underspend in Highways given there are a lot of repairs required around the County Borough.
The Service Director - Corporate & Management Accounting explained that underspend in Highways is due to an increase in fee income for the charging of temporary traffic lights where broadband had been installed.
The Service Director - Education & Financial Reporting advised that the ALN underspend is consistent with the Quarter three report, she explained the underspend is due to temporary vacancies, which are temporary and will be filled in the learner support service and also underspend in out of county spend.
A Member asked how we ensure our resources are managed effectively and ensure efficiencies are tracked and delivered.
The Service Director - Corporate & Management Accounting advised that the Finance Directorate meet with every SLT Director to discuss budget plans regularly. He advised that savings are built into the budget strategy and are monitored in line with the budget as a whole. If there are any issues, these will be raised in the quarterly performance reports.
A Member asked how the Authority are bringing the number of Empty properties down to achieve targets set by Welsh Government
The Service Director - Corporate & Management Accounting advised he can report back on specific figures to members following the meeting, however he advised that RCTCBC are the lead Authority in this area and there is a strong focus in this area for the next two years, he concluded that the Authority does rely on Welsh Government ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Urgent Business To consider any items, which the Chairman, by reason of special circumstances, is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Minutes: None |
Chairs Review and Close |