Venue: Llys Cadwyn, Pontypridd / ZOOM
Contact: Sarah Daniel Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct Note: 1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with the code of conduct, no declarations were made pertaining to the agenda |
To consider the decision taken by Cabinet on the 29 April 2024 on the Proposal to Close Rhigos Primary School with pupils transferring to Hirwaun Primary School Additional documents:
Minutes: The Service Director Democratic Services & Communications presented the report which outlined the procedure for the meeting, as set out in rule 17 of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules. The Service Director advised that a call-in request was received from County Borough Councillors S Trask, A Rogers and D Grehan within the prescribed timescales, on 2nd May 2024, which complied with the relevant criteria and considered valid by the proper officer.
The call-in requested that the decision of Cabinet in respect of the proposal to close Rhigos Primary School with pupils transferring to Hirwaun Primary School, taken at its meeting held on the 29th April 2024, be considered by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
The Service Director outlined the procedures for the meeting with the three signatories, who signed the call-in form, to address Committee first, setting out their reasons for requesting the call-in and why they consider the decision should be referred back to the decision maker for reconsideration. Secondly, the registered public speakers will have the opportunity to address Members before the Director of Education & Inclusion Services and Cabinet Member address the comments made by the speakers. Members of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee will have the opportunity to consider the valid reasons set out in the report together with all contributions before voting on whether they consider whether the matter should be referred back to Cabinet.
It was confirmed that the nominated signatory, Councillor A Rogers would make the final address before a roll call vote is taken on whether or not to refer the matter back to the relevant decision maker for reconsideration. It will be for the Director of Legal and Democratic Services to clarify and summarise the Committee’s decision.
Councillor D Grehan
Councillor Grehan stated that the decision fails to acknowledge the benefits associated with the current school and the negative impacts on the proposal. Under the rural school scheme there are cultural and social benefits which in turn provide a high quality education. He continued on the importance of engaging learners from for long term sustainability which will benefit all in the Rhigos area. He continued that a close community is essential in developing the resilience of a child and felt that smaller schools allow more freedom to bring education to life. These elements have all been reflected in the Estyn review and fulfil ambitions of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Wales Act.
He continued that whilst the consultation report is judgmental of classrooms available, there was no judgement on the classes in the Estyn report in 2019 and felt this was being used as an excuse for poor planning. The Member asked that the Council do not take the easy option of closing the school but consider investing and modernising the school and engage with the community to present a case to Welsh Government which will demonstrate the negative impacts of closing the school and evidence the advantages of it remaining open. He urged Members of the Scrutiny Committee to put residents ... view the full minutes text for item 92. |
Urgent Business To consider any items, which the Chairman, by reason of special circumstances, is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Additional documents: Minutes: None received |
Chairs Review and Close Additional documents: |