Venue: Virtual
Contact: Sarah Handy - Council Business Unit 07385401942
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interest To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Note: 1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest; and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Minutes: In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there were no declarations made pertaining to the agenda.
To approve as an accurate record, the minutes of the meeting of the Climate Change Control Steering Group held on the 27th September 2023. Minutes: It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 27th September 2023 as an accurate reflection.
Matters Arising Minutes: The Chair updated Members in respect of the two action points arising from the September meeting as follows:
1. A Site Visit; There will be a site visit held on the 5th March 2024. Details of the location will be provided closer to the time. 2. A meeting with the National Grid; The Director of Corporate Estates updated Members as follows:
The Director reported that a positive meeting with National Grid had taken place and that discussions had taken place around an Energy Network Association and a three point plan which is available on their website. The National grid confirmed that they are happy to work collaboratively with RCTCBC and to continue the dialogue moving forward. As a distribution Service Operator (DSO) they have to put a private business plan together and that is very specific. The work they do on it is heavily regulated. The Director advised that with our local energy plan, National Grid have advised that the more that we can inform them about what our needs are, the more they can build that into their business plans and ask OFGEM for funding. National Grid confirmed that they want to work with us through the life of the Local Energy Plan. Furthermore, the Director noted that they have introduced a Connect ability Pledge, which says consumers have a right now to install EV Charging points in their home as well as standard heat pumps and they only have to notify the National Grid after they have installed it. Members were also told that National Grid are re designing their website and making it area based and RAG rated. They are also publishing a new EV Charging Strategy. The Director emphasised that it was a very positive meeting.
The Chair confirmed that it was a positive meeting and confirmed that they will also be invited to a future meeting of the Committee. A Member confirmed that they were pleased to hear this and looked forward to hearing more from them in the future Members was pleased to hear that we have developed a good relationship with the distributor but would like reassurance that less affluent communities also get access to the network. The Chair agreed with the importance of monitoring this in the future. |
To provide to Members the quarter 2 performance position statement as part of an overview of our progress in delivering the Council’s Climate Change Strategy, ‘Think Climate RCT’ agreed in June 2022. Minutes: The Performance Manager presented the ‘Think Climate RCT: The Council’s Tackling Climate Change Strategy 2022-2025’ Quarter 2 to Members.
The Chair welcomed the report and noted that it was very positive to see more about procurement. The Chair referenced the School Eco Awards and queried how many schools have applied to have their Bronze award. The Performance Manager confirmed that to date there are currently 19 schools already signed up. The Chair was pleased to hear this and emphasised the importance of involving our school children. The Vice Chair also praised this work and thanked the Officers for such a detailed report.
Discussions continued and praised the work behind the scenes. The Member referenced page 14 and queried if there had been any funding update on the phase two innovation project from Cwm Taf Morgannwg. The Member also welcomed the amount of people who are coming forward to obtain grants to improve their properties and commented that this was inspiring to see. The Performance Manager noted that further detail on the grants funding will be included in the Quarter three update after Christmas.
Following discussion, Members RESOLVED: :
1. To consider the information contained within the report; 2. To take a view on the potential areas for further consideration as part of the Sub Committee’s Work Programme; and 3. To note the work to progress and further embed the Council’s response to Climate Change into the business of the Council as part of the development of the Council’s new Corporate Plan.
To provide an update to the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee with regards to the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon (NZC) Reporting Scheme and Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s submission under that regime for the Financial Year 2022/23.
Minutes: The Principal Carbon Reduction Officer presented the report to Members and provided an update to the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee with regards to the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon (NZC) Reporting Scheme and Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s submission under that regime for the Financial Year 2022/23.
The Chair praised the report and noted how pleased she was to see that we keep 23% of our supply chain. The Chair welcomed questions from Members.
Discussions ensued and a Member referred to 5.8 and noted that we can’t use some of the data o offset our carbon emissions. The Member queried why this was the case. The Principal Carbon Reduction Officer advised that the reporting mechanism was established by the Welsh Government and they feel that we already benefit from any new electricity that we generate so that using it to offset our carbon emissions would be a double benefit. There are discussions going on between Welsh Government and Scheme Participants to recognise a new way of marking the renewable energy that we generate. The Chair asked for any updates on this to be fed back to the Committee.
Discussions continued and a Member praised that there has been an overall reduction across the Board. The Member noted how much hard work has gone on in the background in respect of our supply chain and informing suppliers how to reduce their carbon footprint and in turn to reduce our own carbon footprint. The Member praised the Officers for this hard work. The Chair advised Members that she has met with individual staff and apprentices/grafuates on the team and that they will be invited to a future meeting date and advised that she has personally thanked the team.
Another Member praised the report and noted that the service changes made by Cabinet over the years has shown that it can be joined up with decarbonisation.
Following discussion, it was AGREED:
1. To note the contents of this report as part of the ongoing work under the remit of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee; 2. To publish the data on the Council’s Carbon Footprint Dashboard; and 3. To receive further reports providing additional updates on progress as / when deemed appropriate.
UPDATE REPORT ON THE PROPOSED SOLAR FARM PDF 137 KB To provide a further update to Members with regards to the work underway in the development of a ‘Land Based Solar Farm’, to be located on Council owned land located at Coed Ely.
Minutes: The Head of Energy Carbon Reduction presented his report to Members and provided a further update to Members with regards to the work underway in the development of a ‘Land Based Solar Farm’, to be located on Council owned land located at Coed Ely, on an 84-acre 'terraced' former colliery site, near Tonyrefail. The facility will, when constructed, be an asset owned by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council.
Discussions ensued and a Member praised the report and noted how user friendly it was. The Member also congratulated Officer on getting the grant funding.
Following discussion, Members AGREED:
1. To note the contents of this report as part of the ongoing work in response to our climate change ambitions and agree to the further progress of the project proposals, in line with the contents of this report.
2. To receive further report(s) to provide updates on progress as/when deemed appropriate.
EV CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE WITHIN COUNCIL ASSETS PDF 167 KB To update Members of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee on progress made in the field of Electric Vehicle Charging, within Council Assets. Minutes: The Director of Corporate Estates and the Head of Carbon Reduction Officer presented the report to Members and provided an update on progress made in the field of Electric Vehicle Charging, within Council Assets, in working towards to the Council’s publicly stated EV charging goals. The Director also provided Members with a Power Point presentation in respect of EV Charging points throughout the County Borough.
The Chair praised the amount of data in the report and noted that some EV Charging points are used very little and that data can help us with the roll out of EV Charging and knowing where to go with it.
Discussions ensued and a Member noted how good it was to see the amount of EV Charging coverage throughout RCT. The Member queried if EV Charging will be put in the Coed Ely Solar Farm once its up and running and also asked if we have mapping of third party providers. The Director of Corporate Estates acknowledged that there are gaps in Coed Ely but advised Members that the team are already working on this. The Director advised that there is a Zap Map available and that’s a map all third party providers are on. You can also use the Zap map to check if the EV Charging points are functioning. RCT’s data in respect of EV Charging is also uploaded to the Zap Map. Another Member queried if it would be possible in future meetings to have a breakdown of EV Charging and usage. The Head of Carbon Reduction confirmed that we have this data already and when it goes public we will have public data as well. With regards to the CCR Transport Authority, the Head of Carbon Reduction has confirmed that he has asked for data but that it has not been forthcoming as yet. The Chair advised that if this remains the case, we could write to them as a Committee asking for that data.
Following discussion, Members AGREED:
To note the contents of this report, and an accompanying presentation, as part of the ongoing work in response to the Council’s EV charging ambitions set by the Climate Change Strategy and the EV Charging Strategy and Implementation Plan; and 2. To receive further report(s) to provide updates on progress as/when deemed appropriate.
Urgent Business To consider any items which the Chair by reason of special circumstances is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: There was no urgent business to report.