Agenda and minutes

No. Item


Election of Chairperson




Cllr J P Blundell was elected as Chairperson for the 2021-22 Municipal Year


Election of Vice Chairperson




Cllr J Ridgewell was elected as Vice Chairperson for the 2021-22 Municipal Year


Apologies for Absence


Cllr Ramesh Patel – Cardiff Council

Cllr Nigel Howells – Deputy Member Cardiff Council

Cllr Darren Roberts Merthyr Tydfil CBC

Cllr James Clarke Newport Council

Cllr Jason Hughes Deputy Member Newport Council

Cllr John Hill Blaenau Gwent CBC



Declarations of Interest


To receive disclosures of personal interests from Committee Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.



1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and

2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave.



Cllr V Crick (Torfaen) declared a personal interest as she is a Board Member on a local housing association


Cllr G Davies (Blaenau Gwent) declared a personal interest, as he is a Board Member of the Registered Social Landlords.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To receive for approval the minutes of the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 26th February 2021




To approve the minutes of the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on the 26 February 2021


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 175 KB

Additional documents:


The Service Director Democratic Services and Communications presented the report to members, which detailed a draft work programme for the 21-22 municipal year. 


Members were reminded that the work programme remained flexible to allow for emerging and changing priorities.  Members were also sighted on the CCRCD Cabinet Work Programme to support them in identifying items for pre-scrutiny.  He added that officers would also have a discussion with the CCRCD Programme Director to identify these items for pre-scrutiny.


A Member asked if the item scheduled for the 18 March 2022 could include detailed information on the Towns Fund. The Service Director replied that this would be added to the information required for that item.


Housing Development Fund pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairperson welcomed the following officers to the meeting: 


Kellie Beirne CCRCD Director

Louise Corbett, Homes for the Region Programme Manager

Justin Carty, Senior Director from CBRE

George Richards Senior Director CBRE


Mr George Richards, Senior Director for CBRE introduced the report and advised of the progress made in respect of the ‘Homes for all the Region’ Programme, following the approval of the Viability Gap Fund Full Business Case in March 2020 and the associated Evaluation Framework in September 2020.  He supplemented the report with a presentation to members which provided the following information:


The Housing Viability Gap Fund is a £35m targeted funding programme to bring forward new homes on key strategic housing sites across South East Wales. The Fund is a mechanism to unlock sites that would have no other means of coming forward due to financial viability.

The objectives of the Fund are to:


      Unlock stalled sites that are unviable for housing delivery.

      Invest in projects that will deliver housing in areas needed most, whilst demonstrating value for money and delivery certainty.

      Kick-start construction, generating jobs and delivering sustainable developments.

      Enhance the long-term growth prospects and competitiveness of the region through improved infrastructure, increased connectivity and regeneration.


The Fund is an opportunity for:


      Local authorities to support key strategic housing projects in their area.

      Developers to work with local authorities on bringing their sites forward.

      Local communities to benefit from derelict land remediation and new homes


He went on to explain that examples of potential schemes included: site specific infrastructure, site clearance, groundworks or land remediation works. All schemes will be subject to State Aid compliance.


He advised the Joint Committee that funding awards of up to £8m would be awarded to local authorities on a highly competitive basis (max 3 per LA). The funding will to be deployed at a local level by Councils towards prioritised schemes.

To be eligible for Housing Viability Gap Funding bids must meet the following criteria:


      Sites delivering minimum of 40 new homes

      Located in Cardiff Capital Region

      Local Authority support

      Planning permission in place (or if not a clear route to achieving planning)

      Able to complete required due diligence including evidence of a viability gap

      Ability to meet the CCR spend deadline for full drawdown of funds by 31 March 2024



A Member asked for more information on a funding recovery plan and a clawback of funds at development stages and how this was recovered.


The Senior Director CBRE replied that as the funding was public money they ensure the correct strict processes and structures are put in for due diligence.  This includes ensuring that funds are recovered so they are able to be re-invested.  The Senior Director CBRE advised that the Local Authority are responsible for deploying funds directly into project.  He added that there are regulations in place for Local Authorities to put protection in pace to get appropriate clawbacks. 


A member asked what  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.


Urgent Items