Agenda and minutes

Contact: Sarah Daniel  07385085169

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies from Members


Councillor D Roberts – Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council

Councillor B Brooks – Vale of Glamorgan Council

Councillor R Patel – Cardiff Council



Declarations of Interest



 To receive disclosures of personal interests from Committee Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.


1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and

2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave.



Cllr V Crick declared a personal interest as a deputy Board member of the Compound Semi-Conductor facility



Minutes pdf icon PDF 292 KB


 To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Cardiff Capital Region Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 11th September 2020



RESOLVED:  The minutes of the CCRCD JOSC meeting held on the 11 September 2020 were approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting subject to the inclusion of noting a declaration of interest from Cllr V Crick





The Service Director Communications and Democratic Services RCTCBC presented the report to members.  He reminded members that the current Terms of Reference were established and agreed at the first meeting of the JOSC on the 15th October 2018. He added that members of the JOSC had previously discussed and agreed to review the Terms of Reference of the JOSC to ensure they are ‘Fit for Purpose’.



In reviewing the Terms of Reference Members were asked specifically to give consideration to the following points:

·           Appointment of the Chairperson

·           Membership of the JOSC

·           a consideration of a reduced quorum

Appointment of Chairperson

On discussing the appointment of the Chairperson a member stated that he supported a proposal to appoint a Chairperson based on the choice of the Committee, rather than by alphabetical order by Authority.  Another 3 members agreed and felt that this would allow for greater continuity and consistency on the Committee

Membership of the JOSC

One member stated that he would have liked to have seen the membership increased to 20 members as he felt this would increase the knowledge and experience on the Committee, however he was happy to hear from other members on their thoughts.

Two members stated that they felt it was more appropriate to see the membership remain as 10 members, one per local Authority, with deputy members deputising where the primary member was unable to attend.

A member agreed with this proposal and added that it should be encouraged that the deputy member attend all meetings of the JOSC to observe so if they need to deputise for the primary member they would be familiar with matters previously discussed. 

Members agreed that deputy members should attend where they were able to and that they should be allowed to contribute to the discussions but have no voting rights.

Reduced Quorum

Members agreed to reduce the quorum of the Committee to ensure all meetings called are able to go ahead. A member questioned what the legal limit would be for the Committee.

The Service Director responded that the minimum number would be 5 members which constituted half of the Committee

Several members supported a reduced quorum of 5 members and were satisfied that half of the membership would need to be present were a vote to be taken on any matter.



  1. Removed the requirement on the rotation of the chair to be determined by alphabetical order.


  1. Determined that the membership of the JOSC to remain at 10, with deputy members able to contribute but not vote on matters


  1. To reduce quorum level for meetings to five members


  1. Noted that these will take effect from the JOSC’s Annual meeting



Report of the Director Cardiff Capital Region City Deal - Government Gateway Review pdf icon PDF 29 MB


The Director Cardiff Capital Region City Deal presented the report to members.  She advised that the anticipated ‘Final Report’ report by National Evaluation Panel leads SQW had been carried out, ahead of Gateway Review in March/April 2021.  She advised members that when City Deals first came to UK, SQW were appointed to head up the evaluation panels who then put in place frameworks and measures to be evaluated against.


She advised that the CCRCD was now 4 years in and were committed to the Evaluation process.   She added that SQW worked with the CCRCD team to develop a baseline report and a benchmark by which the CCRCD would be evaluated.  In November, they published a final evaluation report.


She informed members of the JOSC that whilst the CCRCD in its entirety was worth £1.2 billion, it was only the Wider Investment Fund that was subject to the evaluation process which was £495m.  This exclude the £746m for the metro scheme. 

The CCRCD Director advised members that the COVID-19 Global Pandemic had accelerated processes.  She added that earlier in the month that the CCRCD Cabinet had approved investment into a new tourist attraction, ZipWorld in Hirwaun.  

The Director advised the Committee that the full evaluation report was included in member’s reports and included a summary of findings which Cabinet were pleased with.   She added that the next stage would be a challenge session with SQW to be held on the 20th January 2021 and they would advise of the process from then on and would expect to conclude by end of March 21. 

Members thanked the Director for the comprehensive overview of the Gateway Review.



Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 521 KB


The Service Director Democratic Services and Communications presented the report to members with their draft Forward Work Programme.  He asked Members to review the draft Forward Work Programme that was attached at appendix A to the report and consider an item to be schedule for their next meeting in February 2021.


RESOLVED: Members agreed to schedule an item on the Regional Transport Authority for their meeting in February.



Urgent Items

