Agenda and minutes

Venue: Virtual

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Cardiff Capital Region Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 23 September 2019


It was noted that the last meeting of the CCRCD JOSC was inquorate, therefore notes that were taken at that meeting were presented for information to members.



Report of the Service Director Democratic Services and Communications RCTCBC - Governance arrangements for the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 209 KB

To update members on the Governance arrangements for the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee (CCRCD JOSC) and to agree a way forward for the JOSC


Additional documents:


The Service Director Democratic Services and Communication presented the report to members to update them on the goverance arrangements for the Joint Committee


He advised members on some of the challenges that the josc had encountered during their first two years which included frequent changes to membership, low attendance and most recently the impact of the global pandemic


the report recommended that members therefore review their terms of reference to allow for the josc to be more effective


A member asked if it was possible to appoint the chair for longer than one year to allow for greater consisteny within the Committee.  Another member agreed and supported this approach so the Committee could appoint the most appropriate person for the Chair, rather than appointing by alphabetical order. The service director replied that this was something the committee could amend in their terms of reference should they wish to do so.  They could still appoint a chair and vice chair annually but that member could be the same member as previous years.


a member asked about increasing the number of members on the committee and recommended that the deputy members could become full voting members. Another member supported this approach and stated if Committee agreed with this approach the quorum would also need to be reviewed.


a member noted that the terms of reference for this committee were in fact written by the cabinet and accepted as they were written.  He asked if it would be better if the committee could discuss the terms of reference in a workshop, outside of the committee where all members could freely discuss and recommnd proposals and then a report drafted back to be accepted in the main committee.


Members agreed with this proposal so they were able to have a free flowing discussion and deputy members could also take part in the discussion. 


The Service Director Democratic Services and Communication agreed to set a date for an infomral committee session where members could discuss their terms of reference and draft their forward work programme. From those discussions a report could then be presented to the next meeting in December



Report of the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Director - Status Update Report March - September 2020 pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Additional documents:


The CCRCD Director gave an update to members on the activities and outcomes achieved during the period March – September 2020, which was mainly the Covid-19 Lockdown period.  It was anticipated by providing members with the full picture this would support members in identifying priorities for scrutiny in the forthcoming period. 


The CCRCD Director also gave members a presentation to support the report


The CCRCD Director provided information in relation to project delivery approvals, progress with the investment pipeline, policy issues and significant priorities that have emerged and been acted upon during the lockdown period.


The Leader of the CCRCD advised members of the JOSC that officers and the Cabinet were here to support the Scrutiny Committee and looked forward to working with members of the Committee, particularly in the run up to the Gateway Review period where he felt members would be able to positively contribute to the process and support the Cabinet through the process.


He added that during the COVID-19 lockdown period the focus on moving forward had been to create good quality, highly skilled jobs across the region and to provide fit for the future housing and digital and transport infrastructure.


A member thanked the Director for the report and stated he was pleased to hear of the progress in high technology manufacturing.  He referred to the IQE facility in Newport and the site visit members had previously attended last year.  He stated that the products that they develop at the facility wasn’t fully developed there and that it was sent elsewhere, out of the UK to complete.  He asked if this was due to a shortfall of skills in the UK and if this is something that could be developed here within the region. 


The Director responded that the supply chains used were keen to expand and maximise on supply.  She advised that the skills were coming in overseas and they were working hard with the connections made to bring 80% of the manufacturing within the region.


A member asked if the Director was aware of any Brownfield sites were being explored for the development of housing.  The Director replied that they were currently not looking at any industrial sites for housing purposes.


RESOLVED: The JOSC noted the overall activity, progress and advancements as during the period March – September 2020. 



Information reports for noting pdf icon PDF 61 KB

·         Notes from the CCRCD JOSC meeting (Inquorate) January 2020

·         CCRCD Cabinet minutes May 2020 (latest published set available)

Additional documents:


Members noted the meeting report from the CCRCD JOSC meeting (Inquorate) January 2020


Noted the CCRCD Cabinet minutes May 2020 (latest published minutes available)