Venue: Virtual
Contact: Hannah Jones - Council Business Unit, Democratic Services 07385401954
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apology Minutes: The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting of the Strategic Culture and Arts Steering Group and an apology for absence was received from the Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure, County Borough Councillor A Crimmings. |
Declaration of Interest To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Note: 1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest; and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Minutes: In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there were no declarations made pertaining to the agenda. |
To approve as an accurate record, the minutes of the meeting of the Strategic Culture and Arts Steering Group held on 16th November 2023. Minutes: It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Strategic Culture and Arts Steering Group meeting held on 16th November 2023 as an accurate record. |
Proposed Programme of Work 2024-2025 PDF 119 KB To receive the proposed forward work programme for the 2024-2025 Municipal Year. Minutes: The Senior Executive and Regulatory Business Officer provided the Steering Group with information on the key issues to be considered during the 2024-25 Municipal Year.
Members’ attention to Section 6 of the report, where the key areas for consideration were identified to be presented to the Steering Group when deemed most appropriate, rather than topics previously aligned to a specific meeting date.
The officer proposed that the approach would provide flexibility and ensure that Members were provided with details of the areas when most appropriate, maximising the opportunity for more informed data and allowing the Group to react to any urgent items needed for consideration.
The Chair commented that the content of the work programme was reflective of an exciting time in Rhondda Cynon Taf. The Chair spoke of his attendance at the Cardiff Capital Region Arts and Culture Seminar and at the pilot launch in Cardiff, which presented a diverse range of positive and vibrant news for the industry.
The Steering Group RESOLVED: 1. To note the proposed list of business detailed at Section 6 of the report. |
A Heritage Strategy for Rhondda Cynon Taf: Public Consultation PDF 163 KB To receive an update on the progress made in drafting a Heritage Strategy, as required by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF). Additional documents: Minutes: The Heritage and Outreach Services Operations Manager updated Members on the progress made in drafting a Heritage Strategy, as required by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF).
Members were provided with the background to the development of the Strategy and it was explained that as a former National Lottery Heritage Fund (NHLF) Priority Area, Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council received a solicited invitation to apply to the NLHF for grant funding towards a project of its selection that would look to rebuild capacity within Rhondda Cynon Taf and the community in relation to heritage. The ‘Altered Images’ project was developed as a result of this approach and was awarded a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of £250,000 for a three-year project in August 2021.
One of the project’s key objectives was the development and formalisation of a heritage strategy and creating connections with the sector to gain a fuller understanding of RCT’s heritage and those involved in its management. The officer drew Members’ attention to Section 4.3 of the report, which detailed the key objectives agreed to guide the development of a community-led Heritage Strategy.
The officer drew Members’ attention to the draft Strategy, which was attached as appendix 1 to the report and informed the Group that during its development, various online survey and engagement sessions were held between July 2023 and March 2024 with the following responses received: · Online Survey – 520 responses received; and · Engagement Sessions – 14 sessions held and 369 interactions (248 adults and 121 children and young people).
The officer concluded by informing the Steering Group that following the Key Officer Delegated Decision published on 27th June 2024, it had been agreed that a public consultation would commence from the 17th July 2024 - 25th September 2024.
The Chair thanked the officer and the wider team for the diverse document and echoed that it sought to cover all areas across Rhondda, Cynon and Taf. The Chair commended the wealth of heritage within RCT and stated that the upcoming National Eisteddfod would be a perfect opportunity to showcase the County Borough. The Chair stressed the importance of moving forward at an appropriate pace and of mapping the benefits and the successes. The Chair looked forward to the exciting roll out over the coming months and years.
One Member referenced the crucial role of theatres and questioned how they had been linked in. The officer agreed with the Member’s comment and spoke of the positive relationship between the Council and Spectacle Theatre. In terms of income generation, the officer informed the Member that due to the financial constraints of the Council, its role would be to support and advise theatres and arts groups with funding bids and to develop collaborative working in line with National Lottery Funding priorities.
The Member also questioned if there had been partnership work throughout the County Borough and spoke of the work of the Regeneration Committee at Pontypridd Town Council as an example. The officer advised of ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |