Agenda a Chofnodion

Lleoliad: Hybrid

Cyswllt: Sarah Handy - Members Researcher & Scrutiny Officer  07385401942


Rhif eitem




The Chair welcomed Members to the first hybrid meeting of the Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee.




Apologies of absence were received from County Borough Councillors A. Fox, J. James and T. Williams.



Mae cyfleuster ymchwil craffu ar gael yn Uned Busnes y Cyngor i gynorthwyo Aelodau â'u cyfrifoldebau craffu a'u rolau'n Aelodau Etholedig.  Mae ymchwil o'r fath yn cryfhau rhaglenni gwaith y Pwyllgorau er mwyn sicrhau bod pynciau sy'n seiliedig ar ganlyniadau yn cael eu nodi. Os oes gyda chi unrhyw ymholiadau ynghylch gwaith ymchwil, e-bostiwch:



The Members’ Researcher and Scrutiny Officer referenced the research facilities that were available to Members within the Council Business Unit. Members were advised that if they have any specific queries to email them to



Datganiadau o Fuddiant

Derbyn datganiadau o fuddiannau personol gan Aelodau, yn unol â gofynion y Cod Ymddygiad.




1.     Mae gofyn i Aelodau ddatgan rhif a phwnc yr agendwm mae eu buddiant yn ymwneud ag ef a mynegi natur y buddiant personol hwnnw; a

2. Lle bo Aelodau'n ymneilltuo o'r cyfarfod o ganlyniad i ddatgelu buddiant sy'n rhagfarnu, rhaid iddyn nhw roi gwybod i'r Cadeirydd pan fyddan nhw'n gadael.




In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there were no declarations made pertaining to the agenda.



Cofnodion pdf icon PDF 209 KB

Derbyn cofnodion o gyfarfod blaenorol y Pwyllgor Craffu - Cyllid a Chyflawniad a gafodd ei gynnal 21 Hydref 2021.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the XXXX as an accurate reflection of the meeting.



Dolenni Ymgynghori

Gwybodaeth mewn perthynas ag ymgynghoriadauperthnasol i'w hystyried gan y Pwyllgor.



The Members’ Researcher & Scrutiny Officer referenced the consultation links, which were available through the ‘RCT Scrutiny’ website.  Members were reminded that information is provided in respect of relevant consultations for consideration by the Committee, which are circulated on a monthly basis.



Y Strategaeth Ddigidol - yr Wybodaeth Ddiweddaraf pdf icon PDF 741 KB

Cyfle i Aelodau'r Pwyllgor wneud gwaith cyn y cam craffu ar ddrafft o Strategaeth Ddigidol 2022-26.





The Service Director, ICT & Digital Services provided Members with the opportunity to pre-scrutinise the draft Digital Strategy 2022-2026. Members were informed that the feedback provided by the Committee will be taken into account as part of the Council compiling a draft Digital Strategy to be presented to the Cabinet in due course.


Members were advised that the draft Digital Strategy 2022-2026 seeks to build upon the good progress made since 2017 and put in place our vision of being a truly “Digitally Driven Council,” that provides excellent services, which are efficient, effective and designed with the person and modern customer

expectations at their heart and delivered by a digitally empowered workforce.


The Strategy reflects the ever-increasing role and reliance on digital in people’s everyday lives and seeks to harness the transformative impact it has. It also recognises that whilst demand continues to rise for online services, there are some who will continue to need our help to access digital services and those who need to be supported through more traditional channels.


Following the update, Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions.


Councillor Thomas raised a query in respect of fast fibre broadband noted that a secondary scheme is being run by the Welsh Government in respect of hard to reach areas. Councillor Thomas noted that on the Welsh Government website is a list of engagement officers and that RCT wasn’t one of them. The Service Director advised Members that good progress has been made around the County Borough and that RCT sits well in terms of the Wales ratings. However, the Service Director noted that there is always room for improvement and he advised Members that ICT are currently working with Prosperity colleagues to refresh the baseline and that the service is looking at a number of schemes to gain funds and to work in community partnerships. In terms of the website, the Service Director advised that it has been recognised that RCT needs a contact officer and this will be developed with the Director of Prosperity and Development.


Discussions ensued and Mr Fish queried how the Council is identifying the “digitally excluded” and also queried how the Hwb provision though Welsh Government is effecting the Council’s policy. Mr Fish also observed that his concern that the Hwb is already creaking on some occasions. In terms of the digitally excluded, the Service Director advised Members that a collaborative assessment was undertaken with other Local Authorities and a report was produced, which can be shared with the Committee, and identified the barriers that were in place for the digitally excluded. Members were informed that the report referenced connectivity, skills and confidence as some of the main issues excluding the vulnerable. In respect of the Hwb issues, the Service Director advised that RCT is part of 21 Authorities for internet services that is led by Welsh Government and that recently national issues have been encountered with this programme. However, new infrastructure has been procured by Welsh Government and this should  ...  view the full Cofnodion text for item 39.


Ymgynghori ar Gyllideb 2022/23 (Cam 1)

Aelodau'r Pwyllgor yn rhoi eu barn yn rhan o broses cam 1 o broses ymgynghori ar Gyllideb 2022/23.



With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, the Service Director – Finance & Improvement Services provided Members with an overview of the 2022/23 Revenue Budget Strategy Consultation and updated Committee on the following areas:


·     General Approach for 2021/22

·     Consultation

o  Council Budget 2021/22

o  The Council’s Priorities

o  Council Tax Reduction Scheme


Following the update, the Service Director indicated that the overview intended to assist Members in formulating their responses to a number of questions to be posed to the Committee, in line with its Terms of Reference and as a consultee as part of the 2022/23 Revenue Budget Strategy Consultation process.


The Service Director sought feedback from the Committee on a number of areas and the views of Members are noted below.


Before asking Members about each particular area, the Service Director invited feedback from the Committee and Councillor Cullwick queried whether the social care increase included inflation, if the spend on social care was around £185M and whether it is expected to increase exponentially over the next few years. Councillor Cullwick also questioned what the total spend was on heritage and culture and youth provisions. The Service Director advised the Committee that the social care budget does include inflation and confirmed the spend on social care to be correct. The Service Director also advised that the Council is facing an unprecedented period on the back of the pandemic and that the Adult and Social Care sector is up against significant challenges, however, he reassured Members that the Council has a plan in place in terms of managing demand and social care and focusing on early intervention and prevention. There will be a requirement for the Council to invest further in its social care services and to engage with the Welsh Government and that this will be appropriately reflected in the budget for the forthcoming year. In terms of culture, the youth service, and music and culture, the Service Director advised that he would provide the Committee with a breakdown in terms of the £2.6M. The Service Director further advised that there will be hidden costs to the pandemic and that youth services and cultural services will be a part of those arrangements.


Discussions ensued and Councillor Caple praised the report and noted that Council Tax rises in RCT have been the lowest in Wales over the past 4 years. Councillor Caple noted that the approach maintains frontline services and noted that this approach is the right way forward for RCT Council.


Discussions continued and Councillor Edwards sought further clarification on the budget for music services. The Service Director noted that the budget for music services is £130,000 and is very much a partnership between the Local Authority and Schools.

The Chair continued discussion and queried how the budget for services such as meals on wheels compares to last year’s budget and how the rate of expenditure is measured. The Chair also queried the reason for the shortage in the green recycling bags and noted that many residents in  ...  view the full Cofnodion text for item 40.


Adroddiad Cyflawniad Chwarter 2 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Aelodau'r Pwyllgor i drafod Adroddiad Cyflawniad Chwarter 2 y Cyngor (2021/22).



The Service Director- Finance and Improvement Services provided Members with the Quarter 2 Council Performance Report (to 30th September 2021).


The Service Director referred Members to Appendix 1 of the report which contained the Council’s Quarter 2 Performance Report that was presented to Cabinet on the 15th of November 2021.


The Service Director continued his report by advising on the revenue and capital budget performance; treasury Management prudential indicators; Organisational Health information including staff turnover, sickness and Council strategic risks; and Corporate Plan priority action plan updates including investment updates.


Following the overview by the Service Director, Members scrutinised the report and put forward their questions.


The Chair referred Members to page 61 of the report and queried whether any outdoor activities could be put into Ynysangharad Parc. The Service Director advised Members that there are four schemes planned in the current year, which are et out in the report, and that further information can be obtained and reported back to Committee.


Discussions continued and Councillor S. Rees-Owen referred Members to page 56 of the report and sought an update on the ventilation work in schools across the County Borough and the associated cost of this work. The Service Director advised Members that he didn’t have the details to hand but that he would obtain the information and report back to Committtee in due course.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED to:


1.     Endorse the Council’s financial and operational performance position as at 30th September 2021 (Quarter 2).




Materion Brys

Trafod unrhyw faterion sydd, yn ôl doethineb y Cadeirydd, yn faterion brys yng ngoleuni amgylchiadau arbennig.




There was no urgent business to report.


Adolygiad y Cadeirydd a dod â'r cyfarfod i ben

Myfyrio ar y cyfarfod a'r camau gweithredu i'w dwyn ymlaen.



The Chair thanked Members for attending and noted the success of the first Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee hybrid meeting. The Chair wished Members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.