Agenda a Chofnodion

Lleoliad: Rhithwir

Cyswllt: Sarah Handy - Swyddog Craffu ac Ymchwil i Aelodau  07385401942


Rhif eitem




The Chair welcomed Members to the first meting of the Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee for the 2021-22 Municipal Year.


Datganiadau o Fuddiant

Derbyn datganiadau o fuddiannau personol gan Aelodau, yn unol â gofynion y Cod Ymddygiad.




1.     Mae gofyn i Aelodau ddatgan rhif a phwnc yr agendwm mae eu buddiant yn ymwneud ag ef a mynegi natur y buddiant personol hwnnw; a

2.  Lle bo Aelodau'n ymneilltuo o'r cyfarfod o ganlyniad i ddatgelu buddiant sy'n rhagfarnu, rhaid iddyn nhw roi gwybod i'r Cadeirydd pan fyddan nhw'n gadael.




In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there were no declarations made pertaining to the agenda.





Apologies of absence were received from County Borough Councillors  J. Cullwick, J. James and G. Caple.


Cofnodion pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Derbyn cofnodion cyfarfod blaenorol y Pwyllgor Craffu – Cyllid a Chyflawniad a gynhaliwyd ar 13 Ebrill 2021.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the XXXX as an accurate reflection of the meeting.



Dolenni Ymgynghori

Gwybodaeth mewn perthynas ag ymgynghoriadau perthnasol i'w ystyried gan y Pwyllgor.



The Chair referenced the consultation links, which were available through the ‘RCT Scrutiny’ website.  Members were reminded that information is provided in respect of relevant consultations for consideration by the Committee, which are circulated on a monthly basis.



Rhaglen Waith y Pwyllgor Craffu – Cyllid a Chyflawniad 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 243 KB

Bydd Aelodau'r Pwyllgor Craffu – Cyllid a Chyflawniad yn trafod y Rhaglen Waith ar gyfer Blwyddyn y Cyngor 2021/22.



The Principal Scrutiny Officer presented the Finance and Performance Scrutiny

Committee Forward Work Programme 2021-22 to Members in order to seek

Members’ comments and approval on the draft Work Programme for the

2021/22 Municipal Year.


Members were reminded that the Scrutiny Work Programmes have a reduced

number of meetings for this Municipal Year to allow for the work to be

timetabled with the best use of resources available. This will allow for a more

flexible approach to recognise the needs of emerging priorities and provides

opportunity for Scrutiny Working Groups to be taken forward and training

provision where requested.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED to approve the Finance and Performance Scrutiny Work Programme for the 2021-22 Municipal Year.


Adroddiad y Cyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Cyllid a Digidol pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Trafod Adroddiad Cyflawniad y Cyngor ar gyfer Chwarter 4 2020/21



The Service Director, Finance & Improvement Services presented the Council’s Quarter 4 Performance Report (to 31st March 2021) to the Committee.


It was explained to Members that the Year End Report was presented to and approved by Cabinet on the 20th July 2021 and contains revenue and capital budget performance; Treasury Management prudential indicators; Organisational Health information including staff turnover, sickness and Council strategic risks; Corporate Plan updates; and other national measures.


The Service Director, Finance & Improvement Services outlined the Corporate Plan priority updates along with a summary of performance measure results.


Members made a number of observations and put questions to the Service Director.


The Voting Parent/ Governor Representative referred the Committee to page 38 of the report and the overspend/underspend section and queried whether any grant funding would be caried over to this year in respect of Children’s Services. The Service Director advised Members that in terms of any underspend across Community and Children’s Services, whether it be core budget or grant funding, they have been built into the bottom line overspend position for the Council.


Discussions ensued and the Chair referred the Committee to page 36 of the report and the overspend of £204,000 and noted that in terms of percentage this was only a small percentage of the whole budget and congratulated the Council on reporting to the Committee such a relatively small overspend during such a difficult financial year.


A further query was raised by Councillor S. Rees-Owen in respect of the Council’s plans to recoup any monies that have been spent out from external organisations. The Service Director advised that the current funding package primarily comes from Welsh Government and the Council has where appropriate claimed via its insurance fund as well and that if there are elements that could be re-claimed then the Council would act on this accordingly. Councillor S. Rees-Owen also queried whether there were any plans in place for any particular Committee to look at the impact of Climate Change and its effect on the Council’s budget. The Service Director advised the Committee that the Council has got ambitious Climate Change aspirations in terms of its net zero target by 2030 and that will be looked to be built in to the Council’s medium to long term financial planning arrangements.    


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED to endorse the Council’s financial and operational performance position as at 31st March 2021 (Quarter 4). 






Y Diweddaraf am y Strategaeth Dwristiaeth Ddrafft pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Aelodau'r Pwyllgor i dderbyn diweddariad mewn perthynas â Strategaeth Dwristiaeth Ddrafft y Cyngor.




The Director – Prosperity & Development presented the report to Members in order to set out the results of the public consultation exercise carried out on the draft Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) Tourism Strategy. Members were informed that the report seeks the views of the Committee on the draft RCT Tourism Strategy as amended, ahead of the Strategy being reported to Cabinet for final approval.


Members were advised that a RCT Tourism Strategy has been produced, which highlights key tourism related priorities and will be used to underpin all work and effort, ensuring a coordinated and integrated approach and that this is currently in draft format. The Director advised that the report sets out the results of the public consultation exercise carried out on the draft RCT Tourism Strategy, identifying that overall, respondents are supportive of the Strategy and its contents, and welcome the proposals. The draft RCT Tourism Strategy has been updated to incorporate some minor amends (brought about from comments put forward during the consultation) and it is recommended in this report that this Committee endorses this Strategy document.


Discussions ensued and the Chair thanked the Director for providing such a detailed overview. The Chair raised a query in respect of motorhomes and asked what the plan is in respect of motorhomes that will be frequenting the County Borough. The Director advised that this is a relatively new issue for the department and that the key issue going forward will be develop an action plan in respect of accommodation and emphasised that this is also a key topic nationally. The Chair then queried whether the department has conducted research into what other areas on the continent are doing in respect of motorhomes. The Director emphasised that the team is still in the early stages of its research and the Strategic Manager confirmed that the team is currently looking at other areas of best practice in order to see how RCT can drive forward its offering.


Discussions continued and Councillor S. Rees-Owen queried what work will be done in our theatres to attract people back to the sector and also queried whether all the signs in our towns and villages have signposts at the boundary of each ward. In respect of signage, the Director advised Members that the team are currently looking at developing a unique signage strategy to showcase what RCT has on offer and that a workshop of officers will come together shortly to develop the strategy in more detail. In respect of RCT theatres, the Director confirmed that meetings are underway at a strategic level and that the importance of giving RCT residents the opportunities t use local attractions will be a key issue going forward. The Strategic Manager also advised that meetings have taken place with the Arts & Culture team and that both teams recognise the link between tourism and the arts and assured Members that this is an avenue that they are pursuing.


Councillor Bradwick also advised Members that the arts and theatres is  ...  view the full Cofnodion text for item 8.


Materion Brys

Trafod unrhyw faterion sydd, yn ôl doethineb y Cadeirydd, yn faterion brys yng ngoleuni amgylchiadau arbennig.




There was no urgent business to report.


Adolygiad y Cadeirydd a dod â'r cyfarfod i ben

Adlewyrchu ar y cyfarfod a'r camau gweithredu i'w dwyn ymlaen.



The Chair thanked Members for attending the meeting and for contributing to such a constructive discussion. The Chair also reminded Members that the next meeting will be held on the 8th September 2021.