Venue: Council Chamber, 2 Llys Cadwyn, Taff Street, Pontypridd, CF37 4TH
Contact: Jess Daniel - Democratic Services 07385401877
No. | Item |
WELCOME & APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: An apology for absence was received from County Borough Councillor D Grehan. |
DECLARATION OF INTEREST To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Note: 1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest; and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, the following declarations were made:
County Borough Councillor S Emanuel declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of Application No: 22/1149 Construction of aggregates recovery facility. (Amended PEA, updated and additional drawings and sections, Air Quality Assessment received 4th May 2023, Revised Transport Assessment and Air Quality Addendum received 28th September 2023, Air Quality Technical Note received 10th November 2023, Updated Noise Assessment received 14th December 2023. Green Infrastructure Statement and Updated Ecological Management Plan received 5th February 2023). FFOREST WOOD QUARRY, COWBRIDGE ROAD, TALYGARN, PONT-Y-CLUN, PONTYCLUN, CF72 9XD “My employer has submitted representation as part of the application process.”
County Borough Councillor S Emanuel also declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of Application No: 23/1144 Refurbishment of hotel incorporating restaurant, kitchen, and toilet extensions, two storey detached bedroom block containing 6 No. disabled bedrooms, a village shop, and an activity storage building. Construction of access path and ramp on adjoining land to the southwest and use of this land for a beer garden (Description amended to remove car park and play area on receipt of revised plans received 19th February 2024. Parking Survey received 29th May 2024. PEA and Bat Survey Report received 14th June 2024) HENDREWEN HOTEL PUBLIC HOUSE, HENDRE-WEN ROAD, BLAEN-CWM, TREORCHY, CF42 5DR “I have been involved in public meetings with the objectors and applicant. I will exercise my right to address the Committee under 14(2) of the Code of Conduct and then leave the meeting.”
County Borough Councillor W Owen declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of Application No: 22/1149 Construction of aggregates recovery facility. (Amended PEA, updated and additional drawings and sections, Air Quality Assessment received 4th May 2023, Revised Transport Assessment and Air Quality Addendum received 28th September 2023, Air Quality Technical Note received 10th November 2023, Updated Noise Assessment received 14th December 2023. Green Infrastructure Statement and Updated Ecological Management Plan received 5th February 2023). FFOREST WOOD QUARRY, COWBRIDGE ROAD, TALYGARN, PONT-Y-CLUN, PONTYCLUN, CF72 9XD “I am the Chair of Pontyclun Town Council which has submitted an objection against this application.”
HUMAN RIGHTS ACT 1998 AND DEVELOPMENT CONTROL DECISIONS To note, that when Committee Members determine the development control matters before them, they should have regard to the Development Plan and, so far as material to applications, to any other material considerations and when taking decisions, Members have to ensure they do not act in a manner that is incompatible with the Convention on Human Rights as incorporated into legislation by the Human Rights Act 1998.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note that when Committee Members determine the development control matters before them, they should have regard to the Development Plan and, so far as material to applications, to any other material considerations and when taking decisions, Members have to ensure they do not act in a manner that is incompatible with the convention on Human Rights as incorporated into legislation by the Human Rights Act1998.
WELLBEING OF FUTURE GENERATIONS (WALES) ACT 2015 To note that the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 imposes a duty on public bodies to carry out sustainable development in accordance with the sustainable development principle and to act in a manner which seeks to ensure that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was RESOLVED to note that the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 imposes a duty on public bodies to carry out sustainable development in accordance with the sustainable development principle and to act in a manner which seeks to ensure that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
To approve as an accurate record, the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on 06.06.24. Additional documents: Minutes: It was RESOLVED to approve as an accurate record, the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on the 06.06.24. |
CHANGE TO THE AGENDA Additional documents: Minutes: |
APPLICATION NO: 22/1149 PDF 356 KB Construction of aggregates recovery facility. (Amended PEA, updated and additional drawings and sections, Air Quality Assessment received 4th May 2023, Revised Transport Assessment and Air Quality Addendum received 28th September 2023, Air Quality Technical Note received 10th November 2023, Updated Noise Assessment received 14th December 2023. Green Infrastructure Statement and Updated Ecological Management Plan received 5th February2023). FFOREST WOOD QUARRY, COWBRIDGE ROAD, TALYGARN, PONT-Y-CLUN, PONTYCLUN, CF72 9XD
Additional documents: Minutes: Construction of aggregates recovery facility. (Amended PEA, updated and additional drawings and sections, Air Quality Assessment received 4th May 2023, Revised Transport Assessment and Air Quality Addendum received 28th September 2023, Air Quality Technical Note received 10th November 2023, Updated Noise Assessment received 14th December 2023. Green Infrastructure Statement and Updated Ecological Management Plan received 5th February 2023). FFOREST WOOD QUARRY, COWBRIDGE ROAD, TALYGARN, PONT-Y-CLUN, PONTYCLUN, CF72 9XD
(Note: Having previously declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of this application, County Borough Councillors S Emanuel and W Owen left the meeting at this point.)
In accordance with adopted procedures, the Committee received the following public speakers who were each afforded five minutes to address Members on the above-mentioned proposal:
- Mr S Watcham (Agent) - Mr O Lloyd (Supporter) - Ms S Bolton (Objector) - Ms S Evans (Objector) - Ms S Baber (Objector) - Mr A Hughes (Objector) - Mr D Lewis (Objector) The Agent Mr S Watcham exercised the right to respond to the comments made by the objectors. The Senior Planner presented the application to Committee and following lengthy consideration Members were minded to refuse the application due to concerns relating to highways safety, the visual impact and environmental impact of vehicles on the village of Pontyclun.
Therefore, the matter would be deferred to the next appropriate meeting of the Planning & Development Committee for a report of the Director, Prosperity & Development, if necessary in consultation with the Director, Legal Services, highlighting the potential strengths and weaknesses of making a decision contrary to the recommendation of an officer or any proposed or possible planning reason for such a decision prior to determining a matter.
(Note: Following conclusion of this application, County Borough Councillors S Emanuel and W Owen returned to the meeting and County Borough Councillor S Rees joined the meeting.)
(Note: County Borough Councillor M Powell wished to record his vote in favour of the motion to refuse the application.) |
APPLICATION NO: 23/1444 PDF 279 KB Demolition of existing buildings and proposed development of 4 no. residential dwellings and 4 no. flats, landscaping, bat roost mitigation, bin store, bike store and associatedworks THE OLD SCHOOL, MERTHYR ROAD, LLWYDCOED, ABERDARE, CF44 0UT
Additional documents: Minutes: Demolition of existing buildings and proposed development of 4 no. residential dwellings and 4 no. flats, landscaping, bat roost mitigation, bin store, bike store and associated works THE OLD SCHOOL, MERTHYR ROAD, LLWYDCOED, ABERDARE, CF44 0UT
In accordance with adopted procedures, the Committee received the following public speakers who were each afforded five minutes to address Members on the above-mentioned proposal:
- Mr G Jones (Agent) - Ms A Davies (Objector) - Mr A Falder (Objector) The Agent Mr G Jones exercised the right to respond to the comments made by the objectors. In accordance with Minute No:236 of the Planning and Development Committee held on the 21st March 2024, the Committee considered the report of the Service Director of Democratic Services & Communication outlining the outcome of the site visit inspection which was held on the 16th April 2024 in respect of the application which was recommended for approval by the Service Director Planning.
The Head of Major Development and Investment presented the application to Committee and following consideration it wasRESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the recommendation of the Director, Prosperity and Development subject to a section 106 agreement requiring the following:
1. The developer will be required to enter into a S106 agree to ensure the long-term maintenance and management of the proposed standalone bat roost building at plot 8. The details to be secured should include the following: a) Detail the monitoring, management and maintenance of the bat house (which are to be agreed). b) Secure the implementation of (a) above. c) Detail the tenure of the bat house. d) Provide details of the financial measures to secure implementation of the above. e) Secure drawings setting out areas to be covered by the long-term obligation. 2. The development would provide 100% affordable housing, which would accord with Policy NSA11 of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan. These would need to be secured via a S106 agreement to ensure that the dwellings are established and maintained as affordable units, for the continued purpose of meeting identified local housing needs.
APPLICATION NO: 23/1144 PDF 165 KB Refurbishment of hotel incorporating restaurant, kitchen, and toilet extensions, two storey detached bedroom block containing 6 No. disabled bedrooms, a village shop, and an activity storage building. Construction of access path and ramp on adjoining land to the south-west and use of this land for a beer garden (Description amended to remove car park and play area on receipt of revised plans received 19th February 2024. Parking Survey received 29th May 2024. PEA and Bat Survey Report received 14th June 2024) HENDREWEN HOTEL PUBLIC HOUSE, HENDRE-WEN ROAD, BLAEN-CWM, TREORCHY, CF42 5DR
Additional documents: Minutes: Refurbishment of hotel incorporating restaurant, kitchen, and toilet extensions, two storey detached bedroom block containing 6 No. disabled bedrooms, a village shop, and an activity storage building. Construction of access path and ramp on adjoining land to the southwest and use of this land for a beer garden (Description amended to remove car park and play area on receipt of revised plans received 19th February 2024. Parking Survey received 29th May 2024. PEA and Bat Survey Report received 14th June 2024) HENDREWEN HOTEL PUBLIC HOUSE, HENDRE-WEN ROAD, BLAEN-CWM, TREORCHY, CF42 5DR
In accordance with adopted procedures, the Committee received the following public speakers who were each afforded five minutes to address Members on the above-mentioned proposal:
- Mr M Roberts (Applicant) - Ms J Baker (Objector) The Applicant Mr M Roberts exercised the right to respond to the comments made by the objector.
(Note: Having earlier declared an interest in the application (Minute No. 35), Committee/ Local Member, County Borough Councillor S Emanuel exercised his right to address the Committee under 14(2) of the Code of Conduct on the application and put forward his concerns in respect of the application and left the meeting for its deliberation). The Head of Planning outlined the contents a ‘late’ letter received from the Agent in support of the application.
The Head of Planning presented the application to Committee and following consideration it was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the recommendation of the Director, Prosperity and Development.
The Committee also requested to send that a letter be sent to the Council’s Corporate Estates department setting out matters that the Committee’s concerns in relation towould like considered in any lease of the green landland proposed to be used for a beer garden namely:- • The treatment and siting of the existing memorial benches; • Whether any of the trees on the land were planted as memorials and ensuring the protection of the trees; • Clarity about what the lease might enable the land to be used for and the frequency of such uses, including, community events, weddings, marquees or other temporary structures; and • Ensuring that public access is to be maintained in the long term and how this will be managed should there be, for example, a private function. |
APPLICATION NO: 24/0373 PDF 137 KB Change of use from a C3 dwelling house to a C4 HMO (4 bedrooms) (Amended plans and description received 13/05/2024) 28 BRYNHYFRYD STREET, CLYDACH, TONYPANDY, CF40 2DZ
Additional documents: Minutes: Change of use from a C3 dwelling house to a C4 HMO (4 bedrooms) (Amended plans and description received 13/05/2024) 28 BRYNHYFRYD STREET, CLYDACH, TONYPANDY, CF40 2DZ
Following consideration by Committee, it was RESOLVED to defer the application to a future meeting of the Planning & Development Committee to allow a planned meeting to take place to discuss wider issues around HMO applications. |
APPLICATION NO: 24/0374 PDF 133 KB Change of use from a C3 dwelling house to a C4 HMO (4bedrooms). 3 BAGLAN STREET, TREHERBERT, TREORCHY, CF42 5AA
Additional documents: Minutes: Change of use from a C3 dwelling house to a C4 HMO (4 bedrooms). 3 BAGLAN STREET, TREHERBERT, TREORCHY, CF42 5AA
Following consideration by Committee, it was RESOLVED to defer the application to a future meeting of the Planning & Development Committee to allow a planned meeting to take place to discuss wider issues around HMO applications.
APPLICATION NO: 24/0321 PDF 127 KB Proposed two storey rear extension above basement and raised deck(re-submission) 16 THE AVENUE, PONTYPRIDD, CF37 4DF
Additional documents: Minutes: Proposed two storey rear extension above basement and raised deck (re-submission) 16 THE AVENUE, PONTYPRIDD, CF37 4DF
- Mr R Hathaway (Agent) - Dr F Brookman (Objector) The Agent Mr R Hathaway exercised the right to respond to the comments made by the objector.
At this point in proceedings the Committee resolved that the meeting would continue beyond 3 hours in duration.
The Head of Planning presented the application to Committee and following consideration it was RESOLVED to refuse the application in accordance with the recommendation of the Director, Prosperity and Development.
APPLICATION NO: 23/0902 PDF 147 KB Outline planning permission with all matters reserved for the construction of a detached dwelling and garage with an additional associated parkingfacility. PARCEL OF LAND TO THE NORTH OF TESCO LTD AND CONTAINED BETWEEN 29 TUDOR TERRACE, ABERDARE AND THE ABERDARE BYPASS HIGHWAY
Additional documents: Minutes: Outline planning permission with all matters reserved for the construction of a detached dwelling and garage with an additional associated parking facility. PARCEL OF LAND TO THE NORTH OF TESCO LTD AND CONTAINED BETWEEN 29 TUDOR TERRACE, ABERDARE AND THE ABERDARE BYPASS HIGHWAY
The Head of Planning outlined the content of a ‘late’ letter received from County Borough Councillor S Bradwick in objection of the application.
The Head of Planning presented the application to Committee and following consideration Members were minded to refuse the above-mentioned application contrary to the recommendation of the Director, Prosperity & Development as Members had concerns regarding highways safety and the development would be incongruous in the area.
Therefore, the matter would be deferred to the next appropriate meeting of the Planning & Development Committee for a report of the Director, Prosperity & Development, if necessary in consultation with the Director, Legal Services, highlighting the potential strengths and weaknesses of making a decision contrary to the recommendation of an officer or any proposed or possible planning reason for such a decision prior to determining a matter.
(Note: County Borough Councillor M Powell left the meeting at this point and did not return.)
APPLICATION NO: 24/0112 PDF 112 KB Single storey extension.(Preliminary Roost Assessment received05/03/24)YSGOL GYNRADD GYMRAEG CASTELLAU, CASTELLAU ROAD, BEDDAU, PONTYPRIDD, CF38 2AA
Additional documents: Minutes: Single storey extension.(Preliminary Roost Assessment received 05/03/24)YSGOL GYNRADD GYMRAEG CASTELLAU, CASTELLAU ROAD, BEDDAU, PONTYPRIDD, CF38 2AA
The Head of Major Development and Investment presented the application to Committee and following consideration it wasRESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the recommendation of the Director, Prosperity and Development. |
APPLICATION NO: 24/0421 PDF 109 KB Installation of a modular constructed childcare unit to replaceportacabin GLENBOI COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL, ABERCWMBOI ISAF ROAD, MOUNTAIN ASH, CF45 3DW
Additional documents: Minutes: Installation of a modular constructed childcare unit to replace portacabin GLENBOI COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL, ABERCWMBOI ISAF ROAD, MOUNTAIN ASH, CF45 3DW
The Head of Planning presented the application to Committee and following consideration it wasRESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the recommendation of the Director, Prosperity and Development.
INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS, PERTAINING TO ACTION TAKEN UNDER DELEGATED POWERS PDF 52 KB To inform Members of the following, for the period 10/06/2024 –05/07/2024
Planning and Enforcement Appeals Decisions Received Delegated Decisions Approvals and Refusals with reasons. Overview of Enforcement Cases. Enforcement Delegated Decisions.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members RESOLVED to receive the report of the Service Director, Planning in relation to Planning and Enforcement Appeal Decisions received, Delegated Decisions Approvals and Refusals with reasons, Overview of Enforcement Cases and Enforcement Delegated Decisions received for the period 10/06/2024 – 05/07/2024.
Due to time constraints the following applications were not presented or determined at this meeting. They will be determined at a future meeting date. Additional documents: |
APPLICATION NO: 24/0062 PDF 138 KB The proposed development of 9 dwellings, access, car parking and associatedworks LAND TO THE WEST OF HAWTHORN TERRACE, PERTHCELYN, MOUNTAIN ASH
Additional documents: Minutes: The proposed development of 9 dwellings, access, car parking and associated works LAND TO THE WEST OF HAWTHORN TERRACE, PERTHCELYN, MOUNTAIN ASH
APPLICATION NO: 24/0417 PDF 107 KB Change of use of the ground floor of Unit 5 National Court from a Hairdressers (Planning Use Class A1) to aPublic House (Planning Use Class A3). UNIT 5 NATIONAL COURT, 3-6 CARDIFF STREET, ABERDARE, CF44 7DP
Additional documents: Minutes: Change of use of the ground floor of Unit 5 National Court from a Hairdressers (Planning Use Class A1) to a Public House (Planning Use Class A3). UNIT 5 NATIONAL COURT, 3-6 CARDIFF STREET, ABERDARE, CF44 7DP
APPLICATION NO: 24/0423 PDF 130 KB Outline residential development for nine dwellings with all matters reserved (Ecological Impact Assessment Report received 9th May2024) LAND TO THE NORTH OF RHIGOS ROAD, TYNEWYDD, TREHERBERT
Additional documents: Minutes: Outline residential development for nine dwellings with all matters reserved (Ecological Impact Assessment Report received 9th May 2024) LAND TO THE NORTH OF RHIGOS ROAD, TYNEWYDD, TREHERBERT
APPLICATION NO: 24/0116 PDF 162 KB Change of use from a C3 dwelling house to a C4 house in multiple occupancy (HMO) (5 bedrooms), along with alterations to the rear lean-to extension (Amended plans received27/03/2024) 73 LLEWELLYN STREET, TRECYNON, ABERDARE, CF44 8LP
Additional documents: Minutes: Change of use from a C3 dwelling house to a C4 house in multiple occupancy (HMO) (5 bedrooms), along with alterations to the rear lean-to extension (Amended plans received 27/03/2024) 73 LLEWELLYN STREET, TRECYNON, ABERDARE, CF44 8LP
APPLICATION NO: 24/0323 PDF 145 KB Change of use from a C3 dwelling house to a C4 house in multiple occupancy (HMO) (5 bedrooms), internal re-arrangements to suit minimum standards. Additionally, demolish old porch area at rear. 2 GORDON STREET, TONPENTRE, PENTRE, CF41 7HH
Additional documents: Minutes: Change of use from a C3 dwelling house to a C4 house in multiple occupancy (HMO) (5 bedrooms), internal re-arrangements to suit minimum standards. Additionally, demolish old porch area at rear. 2 GORDON STREET, TONPENTRE, PENTRE, CF41 7HH