Venue: The Council Chamber, Llys Cadwyn, 2 Taff Street Pontypridd, CF37 4TH
Contact: Julia Nicholls - Democratic Services 01443 424098
No. | Item |
Welcome Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Presiding Member welcomed Members to the hybrid Council meeting in the Council Headquarters, Llys Cadwyn, Pontypridd.
Declaration of Interest To receive disclosures of personal interests from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct
1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest;and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when theyleave. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, the following declarations were made pertaining to the agenda:
The Deputy Chief Executive & Group Director - Finance, Digital & Frontline Services: “I declare a personal interest in item 10 - Collaboration with Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council - Section 151 Officer Interim Arrangements. I and the Service Director for Finance & Improvement Services will leave the meeting for this item”.
Councillor D R Bevan:“I declare a personal interest in item 5 - Public Presentation as I know the public speaker and worked with him in the colliery”
To approve as an accurate record, the minutes of the Council Meetings held on the 24th April 2024 and the 8th May 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the hybrid meetings held on the 24th April 2024 and 8th May 2024 as an accurate reflection of both meetings.
Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: The following announcements were made:
Ø The Mayor for RCT, Councillor D Owen-Jones announced the Zip Wire Challenge for the Mayors Charity on 21st July 24, gathering at 10.15am at the Hirwaun Tower Site for descend at 10.30/40. He added that Creoso Choir from Aberdare will be present and singing, plus the Rhondda Cadets on the climbing frames in the background. Councillor D Owen-Jones asked that with the permission of the Deputy Presiding Member he would circulate a sponsor form that clearly defines the five charities within RCT who have been nominated.
Ø Councillor K Johnson wished to announce the success of five residents from his ward who were called up to the Wales under 20 squad against Spain. Owen, Sam, Harry, Ioan and Steffan all played their part in the team and he also paid tribute to the local rugby team who has nurtured the local talent. Councillor K Johnson also announced he would be running in next year’s London Marathon representing and raising funds for Ty Hafan.
Ø Councillor Sera Evans announced that on the 5th July the University of South Wales held its annual Teachers and Advisers Awards, and she acknowledged Emily Harris, teacher of Welsh at Mountain Ash Comprehensive School, who won the award for Supporting Progression to Higher Education and who was nominated by one of her past pupils Charlie Locke. Also congratulations to Richard Hember, Sociology teacher at Coleg Y Cymoedd, for his special commendation and who was also nominated by a former pupil Tegan Griffiths. Councillor Evans concluded that the awards are testament to the hard work and commitment of teachers and specifically the two RCT teachers who were recognised.
Ø The Deputy Leader, Councillor M Webber announced that on the 3rd July, members of the Council’s Armed Forces team and the RCT Veterans attended the Welsh Veterans Awards at the Vale Resort where individuals were recognised for their outstanding contributions to the Armed Forces community. Among those receiving awards were Councillor D Parkin who received the silver award in the community category for serving over 35 years in the Royal Army and recently for initiating the Lighthouse Project, a project to tackle loneliness and isolation in the community of Tonyrefail. Councillor C Middle received a bronze award for Reservist of the Year and for his unwavering commitment and championing support for reservists and the veterans community as part of the RCT Armed Forces covenant. Mr Desmond Paul received the silver award for the Veterans Inspiration 2024, Pop White, a 101 year old veteran, was honoured with the bronze lifetime achievement award, Valleys Veterans were recognised as the silver veteran group of the year and the Taff Ely Veterans Group were awarded with the bronze veteran group of the year. Councillor Webber paid thanks to all those, including the Leader, who honour and support the RCT veterans community.
Ø Councillor D Grehan submitted a petition to Full Council on behalf of the residents of Tonyrefail highlighting the ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |
Statements In accordance with Open Government Council Meeting Procedure Rule 2, to receive any statements from the Leader of the Council and/or statements from Cabinet Portfolio Holders:
Additional documents: Minutes: Statement from the Leader of the Council:
The Leader of the Council, Councillor A Morgan OBE, provided an update in respect of works on the Rhigos Mountain. He commented on the recent concerns raised by residents over the disruptions to them whilst the work is being undertaken. The Leader explained that it is very specialist work which can only be carried out during daylight hours due to the dangerous working conditions for council staff and contractors. He also explained the process for renewing the netting which will protect vehicle users, cyclists and pedestrians which is a very specialised piece of work and it will only be the contractors who can sign off the work and who can deem the work to have been completed.
The Leader commented on the necessary work which is estimated to cost £2.5m and he added that if the work is not carried out now further emergency works would be required in the not too distant future which was something to be avoided. The Leader urged residents to remain patient while the work on the Rhigos Road is undertaken as he acknowledged the obvious disruptions. However, he gave assurance that the work would be carried out as quickly as possible and completed before the end of the autumn. |
Public Presentation PDF 181 KB To receive the Public Presentation in accordance with the Council’s Open Government Council Meeting Procedure Rules.
Additional documents: Minutes:
The Service Director Democratic Services & Communications confirmed that one request from the public was received to the Council Business Unit from RCT resident, Mr David Rowland,within the specified period in accordance with the Council’s Open Government Council Meeting Procedure Rules (section 4)and the Council’s Public Participation Strategy. The Service Director added that the Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure, Councillor A Crimmings would reply to Mr Rowland following his presentation.
Mr Rowland was afforded five minutes in which to address Members regarding the Councils views on the park regarding dogs off leads, health and safety and duty of care to one and all in respect of Cwm Clydach Country Park?
Response of Councillor A Crimmings (Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure) :
Councillor Crimmings thanked Mr Rowland for sharing his concerns with the Council and commenting on behalf of residents regarding the control of dogs in the Council’s greenspaces and country parks.
Councillor Crimmings concurred with Mr Rowlands in noting the value that these green spaces have on the well-being of the communities of RCT and for ensuring that both residents and dogs have safe access to parks – including Cwm Clydach, as mentioned.
Councillor Crimmings advised that in 2017, Rhondda Cynon Taf Council became the first Local Authority in Wales to introduce strict rules in terms of dog controls via Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) designed to set out a clear standard of behaviour to which all dog owners are required to adhere to. She added that whilst the Council recognises that the vast majority of dog owners are responsible and keep them under control, it understands that a minority of irresponsible dog owners create problems.
Councillor Crimmings commented that in 2023 the Council renewed its PSPO commitment which has since allowed it to introduce a range of reasonable and proportionate restrictions on the use of publicly accessible land across the County Borough. This included new rules on where it is reasonable to ensure that dogs kept on leads and/or are banned – for instance, Council maintained cemeteries, schools, children’s play areas and marked sports pitches. These restrictions have helped control the harmful activities of irresponsible dog owners whilst also allowing responsible dog owners, in some areas, to continue to exercise their dogs without undue restrictions – with County Parks being one of those areas, as such vast open spaces offer an opportunity for responsible dog owners to let their dogs run freely.
Councillor Crimmings confirmed that following discussions with officers, the Council is yet to receive any recent complaints regarding aggressive dog behaviour in the Country Park. However, the Council is committed to regularly reviewing its policies and feedback from residents is an important part of this process, so it appreciates the points raised today by Mr Rowland. In conclusion, Councillor Crimmings commented that Mr Rowland was welcome to contact her to arrange a meeting should he require any further information or discussions regarding this matter.
To receive Members questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9.2.
(N.B a maximum of 20 minutes shall be allowed for questions on notice.) Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director Democratic Services & Communication advised that as an apology of absence had been received from Councillor J Edwards, question 4 would fall. He also referred Members to question 7 which would be responded to by the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Home to School Transport, Councillor A Crimmings and not as set out in the report (The Service Director further confirmed that Councillor Wood had previously been advised as such).
1. Question from County Borough Councillor S. Hickman to the Leader of the Council, County Borough Councillor A. Morgan OBE
“Can the Council Leader and Cabinet Member for highways set out what the Council is doing to tackle potholes and improve the condition of roads across RCT?”
Response of Councillor A. Morgan OBE:
The Leader responded that the Council has been investing heavily in its roads since the start of the Highway Improvement Scheme in 2011. As part of this ongoing scheme, which also includes investment in footways, bridges and street lighting, over £61m has been invested in carriageway and footway resurfacing with a further £7m approved for this 24/25 financial year.
The Leader added that subject to ongoing capital investment review, he hoped to be able to announce extra funding in the autumn. This investment has resulted in a massive improvement in the condition of the highway network and over 2,700 carriageways, 490 footways and 80 structures improved since 11/12.
The Leader stated that in 2011, 15.7% of the Council’s classified road network was identified to be in poor condition; this figure has now fallen to only 5.6%, although the Leader recognised that more needs to be done. He also advised that the Council’s highways are inspected regularly, with the frequency of the inspection and the repair intervention criteria based on the road classification or level of use. In terms of inspection frequency, the most important routes receive a monthly inspection while a normal residential street will be inspected annually.
The Leader explained that defects are classified as either Category 1 – requiring repair by the end of the next working day, Category 2 – requiring repair within 28 days; or other works will be added to the works register – those defects which will be repaired as and when resources become available.?
There was no supplementary question
2. Question from County Borough Councillor R. Evans to the Leader of the Council, County Borough Councillor A. Morgan OBE:
“Can the Council Leader tell this Council if the opposition group have put forward any budget suggestions in the face of what you have described – both in the Council Chamber and publicly in the media - as one of the most difficult budget rounds RCT has faced?”
Response of Councillor A. Morgan OBE:
The Leader confirmed that he had not received budget suggestions from the opposition group to date. He added that he would be happy to have discussions and engage with them on next year’s budget settlement. He advised that the last government committed 1% increase ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
COUNCIL WORK PROGRAMME 2024/25 PDF 190 KB To consider the report of the Service Director, Democratic Services & Communication.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director Democratic Services & Communication presented for Members’ comment and approval, a draft Work Programme on the proposed list of matters requiring consideration by Council for the 2024-2025 Municipal Year. He added that the items within the ‘Miscellaneous’ section on the council work programme would be allocated during the municipal year and Members advised accordingly through the regular updates at each Council meeting.
The Service Director advised that the work programme may be subject to change to reflect additional reporting requirements or any legislative changes or business that may arise from considerations of another committee. He added that any changes to business will be agreed by the Proper Officer with final agreement from the Presiding Member and where possible Group Leaders will also be informed of the changes through the municipal year.
In conclusion, the Service Director commented that the Council work programme supports and informs the work of other committees and provides clear statutory direction, as set out within the Local Government and Elections Wales Act 2021, to assist the public understand the work of the Council throughout the year. He confirmed the date of the Council meeting in September as the 25th September 2024.
It was RESOLVED to note and approve the Council Work Programme for the 2024- 2025 Municipal Year and thereafter receive further updates from the Service Director Democratic Services & Communication as appropriate.
ANNUAL TREASURY MANAGEMENT REVIEW 2023/24 PDF 322 KB To receive the report of the Deputy Chief Executive & Group Director – Finance, Digital & Frontline Services.
Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with the requirements of both the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management and the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities, the Deputy Chief Executive& Group Director–Finance, Digital & Frontline Services Director of Finance and Digital Services provided Members with information on the Council’s Treasury Management and the actual Prudential and Treasury Indicators for the last financial year, 2023/24. The Group Director advised that the format and content of the report are familiar to Members with the Council’s activity being highly regulated and operated within parameters and limits which have previously been agreed by Council. He added that the Council is supported in its activity by its Treasury Advisers, Arlingclose, who were reappointed for a three year period from the 1st April 2024. The Group Director advised that the general economic picture during the year saw CPI inflation reduce from 8.7% in April 2023 to 3.2% at the end of the year, March 2024 with the latest June rate falling further to 2%. He commented that following a recession in the second half of the 2023 calendar year, economic growth was positive 0.6% for the first quarter of 2024 and the Bank of England base rate was 5.25% at the end of the year compared to 4.25% at the beginning of the year, with a forecast for rates to fall through to 2025. The Group Director provided an overview of the Council’s borrowing strategy which continues to take maximum advantage of internal funds and cash balances with borrowing at the end of the year amounting to £263M with an average rate of 3.75%. He advised that Treasury and Prudential Indicators and Limits are set out from section 9 of the report, and the Council operated within and in compliance with them throughout the year.
In conclusion, the Group Director advised that interest earned on investment, investment rate risk and indicators are set out at section 11 and funding of the Council’s school investment programme remains within previously agreed borrowing levels.
Following discussion whereby the Group Director confirmed he would provide a response to all Members regarding one of the queries, it was RESOLVED to note the content of the report.
Inconclusion,the GroupDirector commented that the Council operated within allits prudential limits during the year and itscapitalenvelope has subsequentlybeen increased by £40.5Mto reflect project cost increases. The Group Directorconfirmed thatthereport will besubject to reviewbythe Council’sGovernance and Audit Committee. Following discussion, wherebythe Group Director responded to a numberofqueries relating to the report, it was confirmed that an update and presentation inrelation to the Council’smediumterm financial plan would be deliveredto all Members ahead ofthe Full Council meeting in September(and individualtraining available upon request throughthe Members PDR process). It was RESOLVED to note the content of the report; and 2.Notethefunding arrangements for the Sustainable Communities for Learning programme as set out at section 12.
ANNUAL REPORTS 2023/2024 PDF 178 KB To receive the annual reports of the Governance & Audit Committee and Overview & Scrutiny Committee for the 2023/2024 Municipal Year.
Additional documents: Minutes: At this point in the proceedings, the second Deputy Presiding Member, County Borough Councillor J Smith took the chair for the remainder of the meeting.
The Service Director, Democratic Services & Communication presented his report which provided Council with the Annual Reports of the Governance & Audit Committee and Overview & Scrutiny Committee for the 2023/24 Municipal Year for information with the opportunity for the Chair of the Governance & Audit Committee and Vice Chair (in the absence of the Chair) of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee to contribute to the business of the two committees for the municipal year.
Members received Mr Christopher Jones, Chair of the Governance & Audit Committee and County Borough Councillor Barry Stephens, Vice Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, who presented their respective reports for the 2023/2024 Municipal Year, outlining specific areas of work for the Municipal Year and thanking all members and officers of their respective committees for their commitment throughout the year.
The Deputy Leader paid thanks to the Scrutiny Chairs, Vice Chairs and all scrutiny members for their commitment over the Municipal Year and she spoke of the importance of the Cabinet Members attending scrutiny committees to ensure their roles are open, transparent and subject to question.
Both the Chair of the Education & Inclusion Scrutiny Committee, Councillor S Evans and the Chair of the Democratic Services Committee, Councillor W Jones took the opportunity to thank members of their respective committees for their valuable contributions and discussions over the past year. Councillor Evans referenced the number of important elements of the Directorate which had been scrutinised and the level of engagement and testimonials from both the public and stakeholders and welcomed the different approach to the scrutiny work programming. The Chair of the Education & Inclusion Scrutiny Committee paid thanks to the scrutiny team (specifically Tracy, Sarah and Julia) and the Chair of the Democratic Services Committee thanked the Service Director, Democratic Services & Communication and his team within the Council Business Unit for their support to all Elected Members.
Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to note the annual reports of both the Governance & Audit Committee and Overview & Scrutiny Committee for the Municipal Year 2023/2024 (which are attached as Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 respectively to the report). |
To receive the report of the Chief Executive. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive advised that Merthyr Tydfil CBC have recently concluded a recruitment process to appoint a statutory Chief Finance Officer, the timing of the appointment has led to a gap in cover and Merthyr Tydfil CBC has requested that this Council provides section 151 cover for an interim period of four months. The Chief Executive added that as Members will be aware, it is a requirement for all Councils to appoint a statutory Chief Finance Officer and that role is fulfilled in this Council by Mr B Davies. He advised that it is proposed that for the interim period, Mr B Davies is appointed as the S151 Officer across both councils.
The Chief Executive commented that to ensure resilience across both Councils, it is proposed that Deputy 151 Officer roles are also strengthened and therefore Mrs Stephanie Davies, from the Financial Services Management team, will be Deputy Section 151 Deputy Officer for MTCBC and Mr Paul Griffiths, the Council’s current Deputy 151 Officer will continue to support this Council with an enhanced role.
The Chief Executive advised that he was satisfied that these proposals reflect the strength of the Council’s Finance team that the Council is able to provide this assistance and enable the Council to do so without compromising its own financial management. He added that the arrangement will bring with it benefits in that it will provide staff with valuable development opportunity and enable the valuable sharing of experience and knowledge across both organisations. Subject to the confirmation by both councils, the arrangement will commence on the 18th July and continue for a four month period.
The Chief Executive confirmed that a neighbouring Council and a key strategic partner in the region has asked for this Council’s assistance and this Council is able to respond to the request without compromising its own services and on that basis the Chief Executive was content to recommend this arrangement to Council.
The Leader, Councillor A Morgan OBE, concurred with the Chief Executive that this Council has robust financial arrangements in place to be able to temporarily support Merthyr Council during their process of recruitment. He added that this Council also welcomes the small income that this arrangement will generate and he supported the recommendation of the Chief Executive, as set out in the report.
The Deputy Opposition Leader, whilst supportive of the interim arrangements and the assurance that these proposals will not compromise the RCT Council’s own services, called for a thorough evaluation at the end of the interim period to inform learning for future developments and opportunities.
(i) To approve the proposal to provide Section 151 and Deputy Section 151 cover to Merthyr Tydfil CBC for an interim period of 4 months; and
(ii) To authorise the Chief Executive, Director of Legal and Democratic Services and Director of Human Resources to put in place appropriate arrangements in support of the proposal