Venue: Hybrid
Contact: Hannah Jones - Council Business Unit 07385401954
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Leader welcomed attendees to the Cabinet meeting and apologies for absence were received from the Leader of the Council, County Borough Councillor A Morgan, the Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director for Finance, Digital and Frontline Services, the Director of Education and Inclusion Services and the Director of Social Services. |
Declaration of Interest To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct
1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Youth Participation and Climate Change declared the following personal interest in respect of item 8 of the agenda - Revised Local Development Plan (RLDP) 2022 - 2037: The Preferred Strategy - Initial Consultation Report: "My ward is referenced in the report"; and
The Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services and the Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services declared a personal interest in respect of item 13 of the agenda - Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited and Amgen Rhondda Limited - Annual General Meeting as Directors of Amgen. Both officers left the item whilst it was discussed and voted upon.
To approve the minutes of the Cabinet Committee meetings held on 19th and 23rd September 2024 as an accurate record. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meetings held on 19th and 23rd September 2024 as an accurate record. |
Pre-Scrutiny Feedback PDF 154 KB To receive the report of the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication, which provides the feedback and comments of the items that were pre-scrutinised by the Council’s thematic Scrutiny Committees following its last Committee cycle.
Additional documents: Minutes: For information, the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided Cabinet with the feedback and comments of the items that were pre-scrutinised by the Council’s thematic Scrutiny Committee’s following its last Committee cycle.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To note the comments and observations of the Scrutiny Committees following pre-scrutiny of the items listed within section 5 of the report.
Engagement of the Council's Budget 2025-2026 PDF 159 KB To receive the report of the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication, which informs Cabinet of the proposed approach to resident engagement and consultation in respect of the 2025/26 budget setting process. Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication informed the Cabinet of the proposed approach to resident engagement and consultation in respect of the 2025/26 budget setting process.
The Service Director explained that each year, the Council aims to undertake a comprehensive approach to its annual budget consultation, involving a range of residents and key stakeholders. The approach includes a range of face-to-face events in the community across the County Borough, as well as increased social media and digital engagement. Members were reminded that over 1,200 people were involved in last year’s 2024/25 budget consultation process.
Members’ attention was drawn to section 5 of the report which detailed the proposed approach for 2025/26. The Service Director proposed that the 2025/26 budget consultation would take place in two phases. The first phase would take place in the Autumn of 2024 and would aim to collect views on the Council’s investment priorities, council tax levels and efficiency savings. It was proposed that phase two would take place early in the New Year 2025 and would engage with residents on the draft strategy.
The Deputy Leader thanked the Director for the report and acknowledged the Council’s commitment to continually evolve the budget consultation process.
The Deputy Leader noted that the Council’s social media platforms would be used to provide residents with key messages and that various mechanisms would be used to reach as many residents as possible. The Deputy Leader provided examples such as Scrutiny, OPAG, YEPS, School Budget Forum, Disability Forum and Armed Forces Veterans Groups. The Deputy Leader spoke of the importance of face-to-face engagement within the town centres, in addition to online and paper mechanisms.
The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure was happy to support the recommendations contained within the report and praised the face-to-face engagement events using the Council’s recycling trailer.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To support the approach to the Council’s budget consultation introduced in recent years online, utilising the Council’s Let’s Talk Engagement website, as well as community face-to-face engagement. As part of the recommended approach, we will continue to provide alternative means of engagement for those having reduced or no access to the Internet and those who prefer to engage through traditional methods.
2. To support the Council’s statutory requirements regarding consultation on the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Council Tax levels and that these will be met via the proposed approach.
3. To support the launch of a phase 1 budget consultation during the Autumn of 2024, in advance of the Welsh Government provisional budget settlement timescales, currently expected in December.
4. To authorise the Service Director – Democratic Services & Communications to plan in detail the necessary timeline for engagement, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member & Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director for Finance, Digital and Frontline Services.
To receive the report of the Director of Human Resources, which provides Cabinet with the Human Resources (HR) Strategy (2023-28) and Council Workforce Plan (2023-28) monitoring updates for 2023-24; and the proposed changes to reflect current and future requirements. Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director of Organisational Development provided Cabinet with the Human Resources (HR) Strategy (2023-28) and Council Workforce Plan (2023-28) monitoring updates for 2023-24 and the proposed changes to reflect current and future requirements.
The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank officers for the report.
The Deputy Leader noted that the five-year Human Resources Strategy worked alongside the Council’s Corporate Plan and that its aim was to deliver the vision of RCT being a great place to work, live and play. The Deputy Leader was pleased to see information within the Workforce Plan on diversity and Welsh Language objectives and recognised that the staff were the Council’s biggest asset, which had been reflected within the Strategy.
The Deputy Leader spoke positive of Employability Programmes, which provide access to employment and valuable opportunities for those who have difficulty in gaining employment. Furthermore, the Deputy praised the Council’s Graduate and Apprenticeship programmes.
The Deputy Leader acknowledged that areas had been identified with workforce challenges such as social worker posts.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To note the contents of the monitoring update. 2. That in respect of the Council’s Workforce Plan and Human Resources Strategy: · To provide feedback on any required priorities that need to be included. · To approve any proposed changes. |
RCT Adult Community Learning Partnership Estyn Inspection PDF 194 KB To receive the report of the Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services, which provides Cabinet with an update on RCT’s Adult Community Learning Partnership recent Estyn inspection, report and subsequent recommended actions. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Community and Welsh Language Services provided Cabinet Members with an update on RCT’s Adult Community Learning Partnership recent Estyn inspection, report and subsequent recommended actions.
Members were informed that timely planning, preparation and continuation of good practice reporting processes with partners meant that the RCT ACLP were well prepared for the Estyn inspection in February, which resulted in positive feedback from inspectors; and that the recommendations made by the inspection team had already been identified as improvement areas of work by the Partnership and included in the annual Quality Development plan for 2024-25.
The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities praised the evident preparatory work of the ACLP team, which had resulted in positive feedback from Estyn. The Cabinet Member also spoke positive of the unannounced inspection visits to locally delivered partnership courses delivered by RCT ACL, Adult Learning Wales, Coleg-y-Cymoedd and Menter Iaith RCT.
The Cabinet Member spoke of the three recommendations by Estyn and was pleased to note that they had already been identified as areas of development in the annual Quality Development Plan for 2024-25.
The Deputy Leader was also supportive of the recommendations contained within the report and took the opportunity to speak of the importance of adult community learning, noting that it was a very used and valuable service.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To consider the comments and feedback of the Community Services Scrutiny Committee following pre-scrutiny of the findings of the Estyn Inspection Report about the RCT Adult Community Learning Partnership and the action plan prepared in response to the inspection findings at its meeting on the 9th September 2024. 2. To accept the findings of the Estyn Inspection Report about the RCT Adult Community Learning Partnership. 3. To approve the action plan prepared in response to the inspection findings.
Renovation and Redevelopment of the Rock Grounds Buildings, Aberdare PDF 148 KB To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development, which updates Cabinet on the proposal to repurpose the Rock Grounds Building in Aberdare into a quality hotel facility with restaurant, bar and spa available for visitors and local communities. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Prosperity and Development updated Cabinet on the proposals to repurpose the Rock Grounds Building in Aberdare into a quality hotel facility with restaurant, bar and spa available for visitors and local communities.
In July 2023, Cabinet received a report on the opportunity to redevelop the Rock Grounds building in Aberdare Town Centre asa qualityhotel withhospitality provision that will provide facilities for visitors and local people and employment opportunities. The proposals would also help to fulfil the potential of Aberdareas a tourism destination as set out in the Council’s adopted Tourism Strategy and Aberdare Town Centre Strategy.
Members’ attention was drawn to section 4 of the report, which provided detail in terms of the next steps of the exciting project.
The Cabinet Member for Prosperity and Development thanked the Director for an update and commented that he was pleased to see that the project was progressing. Referring to the consultation on the Aberdare Strategy, the Cabinet Member noted that 85.1% of respondents had been in support of the project. The Cabinet Member was of the view that the redevelopment of the Rock Grounds would provide much needed quality accommodation and leisure facilities in the Upper Cynon Valley. The Cabinet Member concluded and stated that he looked forward to seeing the design stage following its completion in March 2025.
The Deputy Leader praised the renovation and commented that it would have a positive effect on the local job market. It was noted that the Local Members were also supportive of the project. The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to extend her thanks to the Director and to officers within Corporate Estates.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To review and consider the updates set out within the report. 2. To agree to progress with the redevelopment of the Rock Grounds site as set out in section 4 of the report.
To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development, which provides Cabinet with the Initial Consultation Report for the Revised LDP, which has been prepared following the public consultation on the Preferred Strategy earlier in 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Prosperity and Development presented to Cabinet the Initial Consultation Report (ICR) for the Revised LDP, which has been prepared following the public consultation on the Preferred Strategy earlier in 2024; and sought approval for the continuation of the Preferred Strategy and the preparation of the subsequent stages of the Revised LDP, subject to changes proposed in addressing the main issues.
The Cabinet Member for Prosperity and Development thanked the officers for the detailed report and for the amount of work gone into the revised LDP to date. The Cabinet Member was pleased to note the level of stakeholder engagement already undertaken, which was detailed at section 5 of the report.
The Cabinet Member noted that a significant number of concerns were raised in relation to the Key Site 4 – Llanilltud Faerdref/Efail Isaf and agreed with the proposal to remove the Efail Isaf element of Key Site 4 from the Key Site to address those concerns.
The Deputy Leader was also in support of the recommendations contained within the report and the proposal to remove the Efail Isaf element of Key Site 4 following concerns raised. The Deputy Leader emphasised the importance of receiving feedback and listening to the communities.
The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the Council’s RLDP Steering Group, which met on 10th October 2024 to consider the ICR for the Preferred Strategy.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To consider the comments and feedback of the RLDP Steering Group, following consideration of the ICR for the Preferred Strategy of this Authority’s Revised Local Development Plan 2022-2037 at its meeting on 10th October 2024. 2. To consider the ICR and agree to continue the preparation of the next stages of the RLDP, in line with the previously approved Preferred Strategy. This is subject to amendments proposed in the ICR that are considered appropriate, which will not go to the heart of the Preferred Strategy.
Customer Feedback Scheme - Comments, Compliments and Complaints Annual Report 2023-2024 PDF 136 KB To receive the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services, which provides Cabinet with an overview of the operation and effectiveness of the Council’s Customer Feedback Scheme between1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director of ICT and Digital Services and the Engagement and Complaints Manager provided Cabinet with an overview of the operation and effectiveness of the Council’s Customer Feedback Scheme between1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024.
Members were informed that during the reporting period, the overall number of CFS contacts were 1,103 compared to 796 contacts in 2022/23. The number of CFS contacts remained low in the context of all contacts recorded by the Council’s Contact Centre, accounting for less than 0.2%.
Following the review of the Customer Feedback process and analysis of the data, priority areas for improvement during 2024/25 had been identified at section 5 of the report.
The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Youth Participation and Climate Change was content with moving the Annual Report for 2023-2024 and took the opportunity to thank officers for their valuable work within the vital service. The Cabinet Member emphasised the importance of customer feedback for the Council to deliver its services to its residents.
The Cabinet Member noted that there was no statutory requirement to produce the report but felt it highlighted sound governance arrangements whilst providing the various service areas with useful information.
The Cabinet Member concluded by speaking positive of the development of the data dashboard, which enables improvement on data analysis.
The Deputy Leader was pleased to note that 94% of complaints had been resolved at Stage 1.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To consider and note the content of the Customer Feedback Scheme Annual Report for 2023/24 and the work undertaken by the Customer Feedback, Engagement and Complaints Team during this period. |
Public Services Ombudsman for Wales Annual Report and Letter 2023-2024 PDF 194 KB To receive the report of the Director of Legal and Democratic Services, which advises Cabinet of the publication of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales’ (‘PSOW’) Annual Report and Annual Letter to this Council for 2023-2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Legal and Democratic Services advised Cabinet of the publication of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales’ (‘PSOW’) Annual Report and Annual Letter to the Council for 2023-2024.
During the reporting period, the overall number of complaints about public bodies totalled 2905. This was an increase of 4% compared to 2022-23 (2790). During 2023-2024 the PSOW closed 3,020 complaints about public bodies – 6% more than 2022-2023. The proportion of interventions – cases where the PSOW finds maladministration or service failure remained consistent at 20% (19% 2022-2023). The intervention rate for local authorities was 15% - consistent with the previous reporting period at 14%.
Of the 2905 complaints received about public bodies - 44% (1279) related to health bodies, 13% (380) related to the social housing sector, 39% (1127) to Principal Councils, 3% (76) related to Welsh Government and its sponsored bodies, <1% (19) related to Community Councils and <1% (24) to ‘other’.
During 2023-2024 64 complaints were received by the PSOW relating to this Authority (54 for 2022-2023). The total number of complaints equates to 0.27 complaints per 1000 residents. This puts the Council in the top quartile for lowest number of complaints per 1000 residents out of the 22 local authorities. 0.36 complaints per 1000 residents was the average across the 22 LA’s.
The highest number of complaints for the Council, by subject, related to how it handled complaints (22%), Children’s Social Services (17%) and Planning and Building control (17%).
Of the 63 complaints closed by the PSOW during the period, 26 (41%) were closed after initial consideration, 8 (13%) were considered to be out of jurisdiction and 17 (27%) premature. Those considered to have been premature related to cases where the complainant had not exhausted the Council’s complaints policy. 11 (17%) complaints were resolved through the PSOW ‘early resolution’ process, meaning that the Council agreed to undertake actions to resolve matters without the need for a formal PSOW investigation.
In total 17% (11) of the Council’s cases during the period required PSOW intervention, compared against 4% (2) as reported in the previous period. The average intervention rate for local authorities was 13%. The Authority complied with 77% of the PSOW recommendations within the target timescales agreed.
The Deputy Leader thanked the Director for the report. The Deputy noted that, during 2023-2024, 64 complaints were received by the PSOW relating to the Authority but felt that in terms of the population of RCT, as the third largest Local Authority in Wales, the number was relatively low.
The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure added that the low number of complaints received was testament to the staff within the Council.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To consider and note the 2023-2024 Public Services Ombudsman for Wales’ Annual Report and Annual Letter to this Council. |
Corporate Asset Management Plan 2024-2030 PDF 163 KB To receive the report of the Director of Corporate Estates, which sets out a new draft Corporate Asset Management Plan for 2024- 2030. The draft Plan provides a Vision for the Council’s property assets and sets out the objectives and priorities it will focus upon over the next six years. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Legal Property and Estates set out a new draft Corporate Asset Management Plan for 2024-2030. The draft Plan sought to provide a Vision for the Council’s property assets and sets out the objectives and priorities it will focus upon over the next six years.
Members’ attention was drawn to the draft Corporate Asset Management Plan 2024-2030, which was attached at Appendix A to the report. The Plan sought to detail the robust governance arrangements that will ensure that property decisions are made in a transparent and inclusive way, involving members and communities in the decision- making process.
The Deputy Leader thanked the officers for the three-part Plan and was in agreement that climate change must be at the forefront of the Council’s work.
The Deputy recognised the important role of pre-scrutiny and took the opportunity to thank the Overview and Scrutiny Members for their important points raised, particularly in relation to hybrid model working, community asset transfers, homelessness and EV charging.
The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Youth Participation and Climate Change was also in support of the comprehensive Corporate Asset Management Plan and echoed comments in respect of climate change.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To review the contents of the draft Corporate Asset Management Plan 2024-2030 2. Consider the comments and feedback, following pre-scrutiny by the Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee 3. To approve the Corporate Asset Management Plan 2024-2030.
To consider Passing the Following Resolution: “That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of the Schedule 12A of the Act”. Additional documents: Minutes: It was RESOLVED: “That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of the Schedule 12A of the Act”.
Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited and Amgen Rhondda Limited - Annual General Meeting To receive the report of the Director of Legal and Democratic Services, which provides Cabinet with the opportunity of inspecting the financial statements of Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited and Amgen Rhondda Limited (the ‘Companies’) which are to be presented to the Companies’ Annual General Meetings to be held ‘virtually’ on 21st November 2024. Minutes: Following the consideration of the report of the Director of Legal and Democratic Services containing exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972 (as amended), namely information relating to the financial affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information), the Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To the current intention to continue the operation of Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited and Amgen Rhondda Limited (the ‘Companies’) as Local Authority controlled companies into the future is confirmed;
2. That, subject to the Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director – Finance, Digital and Frontline Services being satisfied that there are no irregularities in the accounts of the Companies, the accounts be received on behalf of the Council;
3. That Azets Audit Services are appointed as auditors to the Companies for the year-ending 31st March 2025;
4. That the Directorships of the Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services and Service Director – Finance and Improvement Services for both Companies continue;
5. To note the continuation of the non-executive director position on the Board of the Companies through to the 2025 Annual General Meetings;
6. That he Director of Legal and Democratic Services and/or his nominee be authorised to exercise the Council’s vote at the Annual General Meetings of the Companies in accordance with recommendations 2(ii) to 2(iv) above; and
7. That the Council be represented at the Companies’ Annual General Meetings by a Cabinet Member.