Agenda and minutes

Venue: Hybrid

Contact: Hannah Jones - Council Business Unit  07385401954


No. Item


Declaration of Interest

To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct




1.    Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and

2.    Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave.

Additional documents:


The Deputy Leader declared the following personal interests:

·       Item 10 – Council Performance Report 30th June 2024 “I am a governor at a school referenced in the report”; and

·       Item 13 - Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects Supplementary Capital Programme 2024/25 “There is a scheme referenced for my street”


Minutes pdf icon PDF 193 KB

To receive the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on the 17th July 2024 as an accurate record.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17th July 2024 as an accurate record.


Pre-Scrutiny Feedback pdf icon PDF 141 KB

To receive the report of the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication, which provides the feedback and comments of the items that were pre-scrutinised by the Council’s thematic Scrutiny Committees following its last Committee cycle.

Additional documents:


For information, the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided Cabinet with the feedback and comments of the items that were pre-scrutinised by the Council’s thematic Scrutiny Committee’s following its last Committee cycle.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.   To note the comments and observations of the Scrutiny Committees following pre-scrutiny of the items listed within section 5 of the report.



Draft Adult Social Care Strategy pdf icon PDF 141 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Social Services, which informs the Cabinet of the outcome of the public consultation on the draft Rhondda Cynon Taf Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2030.

Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Services informed the Cabinet of the outcome of the public consultation on the draft Rhondda Cynon Taf Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2030, as agreed by Cabinet on 29th April 2024. The strategy has been updated, where relevant, to reflect the outcome of the consultation and seeks approval from Cabinet to adopt the strategy.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care took the opportunity to extend his gratitude to officers for producing the comprehensive six-year Strategy, which aimed to ensure a positive pathway for the future of adult social care in RCT.


The Cabinet Member spoke positive of the Strategy and commented that it would enable respect and dignity for those with care and support needs and would assist in empowering individuals to live as independently as possible with quality and intensive support. The Cabinet Member also praised the Council’s ambition to strengthen partnership work with the Health Board and other agencies, whilst also ensuring that the Council’s own staff are well-motivated and skilled to continue to provide high quality services.


The Cabinet Member thanked the public and the Community Services Scrutiny Committee for the constructive and positive feedback following consultation.


The Deputy Leader echoed the Cabinet Member’s comments and took the opportunity to thank the consultees.


Referring to the consultation responses, the Leader noted that the service user feedback received was lower than anticipated and questioned if more could be done to engage with the service users going forward. The Director advised that the general experience of adult social care consultations was that the service users didn’t tend to engage with the consultations. The Director spoke of the physical barriers, which prevent some individuals from attending the engagement sessions and explained that many would find the environment a challenging place to express their views. Members were informed that the Council had offered telephone contact for service users and also the opportunity for individuals to help them fill out the forms but appreciated that due to their frailty and/or disabilities, participating in consultations is not always at the forefront of a service user’s mind.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the:

·       outcome of the consultation

·       comments and feedback, following pre-scrutiny by the Council’s Community Services Committee, attached as Appendix 5 to the report

·       updated Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2030, and

·       Equality Impact Assessment (including Socio-Economic Duty) and Welsh Language Impact Assessment

2.    To approve the Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2030, attached as Appendix 1 to the report.



Residential Care Homes for Older People pdf icon PDF 218 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Social Services which provides an update on the Council’s care accommodation provision for older people agreed by Cabinet in February 2023 and to set out further recommendations to reflect changes in need and develop more cost-effective care solutions which are sustainable for the future.

Additional documents:


The Director for Adult Services provided an update to the Cabinet on the Council’s care accommodation provision for older people, which had been agreed by Cabinet in February 2023. The officer set out further recommendations to reflect changes in need and develop more cost-effective care solutions which are sustainable for the future.


The Director sought approval to consult, where relevant, with the current residents and their families, staff, and other stakeholders to enable the Cabinet to make informed decisions on the preferred options for the Council’s care accommodation provision for older people.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care took the opportunity to thank officers for the comprehensive report, which he believed outlined the rationale to modernise and continually improve adult social care with focus on supporting independence. The Cabinet Member recognised the sensitivity and difficulties around the proposals before the Committee and welcomed the discussions of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which considered the report at its meeting held on 18th September 2024.


With the agreement of the Leader, the following Non-Committee Members were granted permission to address the Cabinet:

  • County Borough Councillor S Morgans
  • County Borough Councillor J Smith


With the agreement of the Leader, the Trade Union Representative was granted permission to address the Cabinet:

  • Mr C Jones - GMB


With the agreement of the Leader, the following members of the public were granted permission to address the Cabinet:

  • Ms C Harris
  • Ms L Williams


The Leader thanked the speakers for their representations and sought further response from officers to the key concerns raised.


In terms of concerns raised regarding the site, the Director for Social Services advised that officers were confident that the former Chubb Factory site could deliver and meet the needs of a future care home, following due diligence. The Director acknowledged that there had been a delay in identifying a suitable site and explained that following work with the housing providers, initial sites were deemed unfeasible and as such, the Council had to consider other options. The Director expressed his confidence that the identified site could deliver the care home facility to meet increased need for dementia.

The Director then sought to emphasise that the proposal was not about the quality of care in the current establishments or about the staff, but rather the environment in which the care is provided. The Director stated that the current environment was unsuitable to meet modern day care standards, which made it difficult to fill the current home in Ferndale. The Director continued and explained that every opportunity is passed onto individual care homes to take on residents and emphasised that the decision is theirs. However, it was noted that the environment was unable to meet the needs of the individuals being referred for decision.


In terms of comments made about individuals based in hostels awaiting discharge, the Director confirmed that to be correct but reiterated that based on the referrals which were made to in-house homes, it was often the case that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


Proposal to repurpose the former Tonyrefail Day Centre and Establish an Early Years Additional Learning Needs Provision as a Satellite Base to Ysgol Hen Felin pdf icon PDF 211 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Education and Inclusion Services, which seeks to progress to open an Early Years Additional Learning Needs (ALN) provision as a satellite base to Ysgol Hen Felin in the former Tonyrefail Day Centre provision, which has recently closed. Establishing this provision would alleviate some of this pressure in the special school sector in the short to medium term.

Additional documents:


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services highlighted the capacity pressures associated with meeting the needs of learners with significant ALN in Rhondda Cynon Taf; and the need to increase capacity to enable the Council to continue to meet its statutory duties associated with the number of additional places required for October 2024. The Director sought approval to progress to open an Early Years Additional Learning Needs (ALN) provision as a satellite base to Ysgol Hen Felin in the former Tonyrefail Day Centre provision, which has recently closed, and explained that establishing the provision would alleviate some of this pressure in the special school sector in the short to medium term.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Inclusion and Welsh Language thanked the Director and officers for the report. The Cabinet Member noted the clear need to explore additional capacity across Rhondda Cynon Taf and commented that the development of a satellite centre would assist the Local Authority in the short to medium term.


The Deputy Leader was also in support of the proposals and echoed the Cabinet Member’s comments.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the capacity pressures faced in relation to increased demand for special schools placements and ALN provision in Rhondda Cynon Taf and the potential future risks to the Council if we do not have sufficient supply to meet the growth in need.

2.    To authorise the Director of Education and Inclusion Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education, Inclusion and Welsh Language, to proceed with the  opening of an Early Years Additional Learning Needs (ALN) provision as a satellite to Ysgol Hen Felin in the old Tonyrefail Day Centre provision, which has recently closed.

3.    To review the demand for this provision following the opening of the new special school in September 2026. 




Proposal to extend Ysgol Ty Coch Satellite Additional Learning Needs Provision at Buarth Y Capel pdf icon PDF 218 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Education and Inclusion Services, which seeks Cabinet’s approval to build an extension to the satellite special school provision at Buarth Y Capel which will address some of the capacity pressures in ALN provision in Rhondda Cynon Taf in the medium term.


Additional documents:


The Service Director for 21St Century Schools and Transformation highlighted the capacity pressures associated with meeting the needs of learners with significant ALN in Rhondda Cynon Taf; and the need to increase capacity to enable to Council to continue to meet its statutory duties associated with the growth in pupils requiring special school placements; and sought Cabinet’s approval to build an extension to the satellite special school provision at Buarth Y Capel which will address some of the capacity pressures in ALN provision in Rhondda Cynon Taf in the medium term.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Inclusion and Welsh Language thanked the Director and officers for the report. The Cabinet Member, again, noted the increased demand and the need to explore additional capacity across Rhondda Cynon Taf. The Cabinet Member commented that the proposals before Members would increase capacity and support the numbers, whilst providing extensive care for the learners that need it.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the capacity pressures faced in relation to increased demand for special school placements and ALN provision in Rhondda Cynon Taf and the potential for risks to the Council if we do not have sufficient supply to meet the growth in need.

2.    To approve the construction of a new classroom extension block at Ysgol Ty Coch satellite base at Buarth Y Capel to deliver capacity to support growth in numbers of pupils with significant needs.



Consultation on the Proposals to enhance Additional Learning Needs Mainstream Learning Support Class Provision within RCT pdf icon PDF 216 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Education and Inclusion Services, which provides Cabinet with an opportunity to consider proposals for the enhancement of mainstream Learning Support Class (LSC) provision within Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT).

Additional documents:


The Head of Inclusion Services provided Members with an opportunity to consider proposals for the enhancement of mainstream Learning Support Class (LSC) provision within Rhondda Cynon Taf.


With the agreement of the Leader, the following member of the public was granted permission to address the Cabinet:

·       Ms H Archer


Members took the opportunity to thank the public speaker for the valuable input and for sharing her personal experience of the Council’s mainstream LSC provision.


The Leader spoke of the increase in children requiring further support and the importance of providing the correct intervention and support at an early stage. The Leader spoke of the Council’s hands on approach to liaising with parents of children affected by transitions as a result of any decision to alleviate concerns; and sought assurance from officers that the same approach would be taken going forward.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Inclusion and Welsh Language echoed the Leader’s comments and stated that hearing the lived experiences of service users helps the Council shape its services for the better with young learners at the heart of decisions. The Cabinet Member was of the view that the proposals would assist the Council in improving the continuum of ALN provision across RCT and would ensure that the Council undertakes its statutory duties in relation to the Act. The Cabinet Member concluded by noting that the ALN support classes, referenced in the report, demonstrate that the council is proactively planning to meet the growth in demand and the increased complex nature of services required.


The Deputy Leader commented that, locally, she had become aware of the increase in young people with ASD and ALN and was pleased to enhance the provision.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within this report.

2.    To give formal approval to commence consultation on the following proposals:


-       To establish 1 Early Years’ Intervention LSC for pupils under statutory school age with significant presenting needs at Cwmaman Primary School. The proposal will take effect from September 2025.

-       To establish 1 Early Years’ Intervention LSC for pupils under statutory school age with significant presenting needs at Penyrenglyn Primary School. The proposal will take effect from September 2025

-       To establish 1 LSC for pupils in years 7-11 with Complex Learning Needs at Mountain Ash Comprehensive School taking effect from September 2025.

-       To relocate the LSC for pupils years 3-6 with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at Penywaun Primary School to Hirwaun Primary School taking effect from September 2025.

-       To create 1 LSC for pupils in reception–year 2 with Autistic Spectrum Disorder at Hirwaun Primary School to create a through provision in the Primary Phase taking effect from September 2025.


3      To give formal approval to report back to Cabinet to consider the Consultation Report and determine whether to publish the Consultation Report and approve the publication of the proposal in the form of a Statutory Notice.

4      To give delegated authority to the Director of Education and Inclusion Services to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.


Policy for the Appointment of Local Authority School Governors pdf icon PDF 236 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Education and Inclusion Services, which provides Cabinet with the new proposed Policy for the Appointment of Local Authority School Governors and the opportunity to review the content and process outlined in the proposed policy.

Additional documents:



The Service Director for 21St Century Schools and Transformation presented Members with the new proposed Policy for the Appointment of Local Authority School Governors and provided the opportunity to review the content and process outlined in the proposed policy.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Inclusion and Welsh Language took the opportunity to thank officers for bringing forward the report. The Cabinet Member, as Chair of the Panel, was of the view that the proposed Policy was fit for purpose and provided assurance that the process for appointing Local Education Authority Governors was democratic, fair and clear.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the process outlined in the proposed policy; and

2.    To approve the adoption of the new proposed policy and its implementation from the autumn term 2024.



Council Performance Report - 30th June 2024 (Quarter 1) pdf icon PDF 525 KB

To receive the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services, which provides Cabinet with an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective, based on the first three months of this financial year (to the 30th June 2024).

Additional documents:


The Service Director for Finance and Improvement Services provided Cabinet with an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective, based on the first three months of this financial year (to the 30th June 2024).


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Youth Participation and Climate Change thanked the Service Director for the comprehensive report.


The Cabinet Member noted that work was underway, as part of the Council’s robust financial and service management arrangements, to review all areas of expenditure and income, whilst adhering to the Corporate Plan objectives of People and Communities. The Cabinet Member spoke of key highlights such as the Empty Homes strategy, Park and Ride Programme, Drainage Programme and County and Park investments and was pleased to move recommendations contained within the report.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1 To note and agree the General Fund revenue outturn position of the Council as at the 30th June 2024 (Section 2 of the Executive Summary).

2. To approve the virements listed in Sections 2a - e of the Executive Summary that exceed the £0.100M threshold as per the Council's Financial Procedure Rules.

3. To note the capital outturn position of the Council as at the 30th June 2024 (Sections 3a – e of the Executive Summary).

4. To note the details of the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators as at the 30th June 2024 (Section 3f of the Executive Summary).

5. To note the Quarter 1 progress updates against the well-being objectives set out in the Council’s new Corporate Plan ‘Working With Our Communities 2024 – 2030’ (Sections 5 a – d of the Executive Summary).


Council Tax Premiums - Long Term Empty Properties and Second Homes pdf icon PDF 154 KB

To receive the joint report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services, the Director of Prosperity and Development and the Director of Public Health and Community Services, which provides Cabinet with the results of the public consultation which it agreed to initiate in respect of changes to the level of Council Tax Premium on long term empty properties in the County Borough and the use of wider intervention measures to bring empty properties back into use.

Additional documents:


The Head of Revenue and Benefits provided Cabinet with the results of the public consultation which it agreed to initiate in respect of changes to the level of Council Tax Premium on long term empty properties in the County Borough and the use of wider intervention measures to bring empty properties back into use.


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Youth Participation and Climate Change noted that despite previous interventions, long term empty properties continued to present a challenge in communities, which had been highlighted in the consultation. The Cabinet Member welcomed the proposals and commented that the properties were a blight on the landscape, lead to problems in adjoining dwellings and that many were owned by landlords outside of the County Borough.


The Cabinet Member for Prosperity and Development was also in support of the proposals to bring empty properties back into useful community buildings.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.             To review and consider the consultation feedback as attached at Appendix 1 of the report;

2.             To determine how, they wish to proceed with the proposed changes to the levels of premium and introduction of wider intervention measures in light of the consultation feedback;

3.             To recommend the proposed way forward to Full Council; and

4.             To authorise the Deputy Chief Executive & Group Director of Finance, Digital & Frontline Services to put in place the necessary implementation arrangements.



Council Corporate Plan - Investment Priorities pdf icon PDF 163 KB

To receive the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services, which sets out the position regarding the opportunity for Cabinet to propose to Council to further invest in the Council’s priority areas, aligned to the Corporate Plan, “Working with our Communities” 2024 – 2030.

Additional documents:


The Deputy Chief Executive & Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services set out the position regarding the opportunity for Cabinet to propose to Council to further invest in the Council’s priority areas, aligned to the Corporate Plan, “Working with our Communities” 2024 – 2030.


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Youth Participation and Climate Change spoke positive of the Council’s Corporate Plan and its vision for the communities in RCT to grow and live healthy, green, safe and inclusive lives; and welcomed the investment priorities.


The Deputy Leader was pleased with the amount of investment the Council continues to make, despite the challenging financial climate.


The Leader noted that the investment areas were aligned to both the Council’s Corporate Plan and the administration’s priorities. The Leader emphasised that many areas identified were matters raised by the public on a regular basis.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.   To review and propose the additional Corporate Plan investment priorities and funding arrangements to Council at its meeting on 25th September 2024.




Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects Supplementary Capital Programme 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services, which sets out the supplementary capital programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects subject to the approval by Cabinet of the “Corporate Plan – Investment Priorities Report” and Council agreeing it on 25th September 2024.

Additional documents:


The Director for Highways, Streetcare and Transportation set out the supplementary capital programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects, which was subject to the approval by Council of the “Corporate Plan – Investment Priorities Report” at its meeting on 25th September 2024.


The Leader noted the investment and welcomed the supplementary Capital Programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects.


(Note: At this stage in proceedings, the Deputy Leader declared a personal interest in respect of the item: “There is a scheme referenced for my street”)


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note and approve the Supplementary Capital Programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects as detailed within this report subject to Cabinet agreeing the “Corporate Plan – Investment Priorities Report” and Council subsequently approving it on 25th September 2024.

2.    To note that the current allocations are part of a 3-year capital programme and delegate authority to the Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services , in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services, to extend activity to deliver additional projects during the financial year, where capacity exists for accelerated delivery in accordance with the purpose of the wider programme, or to suspend programmes/projects and reallocate funding to optimise delivery.