Agenda and minutes

Venue: Hybrid (Zoom / 2 Llys Cadwyn, Taff Street, Pontypridd, CF37 4TH)

Contact: Hannah Jones - Council Business Unit  07385401954


No. Item


Declaration of Interest

To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct




1.    Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and

2.    Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave.

Additional documents:


In accordance with the Code of Conduct, County Borough Councillor A Rogers declared the following personal interest in respect of Item 3 of the agenda – Proposal to close Rhigos Primary School with pupils transferring to Hirwaun Primary School: “I am a Governor at Rhigos Primary School, a Governor at Hirwaun Primary School and a Member of the Save Rhigos Primary School Committee”.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 210 KB

To receive the minutes of the Cabinet Committee on the 20th March 2024 as an accurate record.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 20th March 2024.


Proposal to close Rhigos Primary School with pupils transferring to Hirwaun Primary School pdf icon PDF 226 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Education and Inclusion Services, which advises the Cabinet of the outcome of the recent publication of a Statutory Notice in respect of the proposal to close Rhigos Primary School with pupils transferring to Hirwaun Primary School by no later than September 2024.

Additional documents:


The Director for Education and Inclusion Services advised Members of the outcome of the recent publication of a Statutory Notice in respect of the proposal to close Rhigos Primary School with pupils transferring to Hirwaun Primary School by no later than September 2024.


The Director informed the Cabinet that the Statutory Notice had been published on the 26th January 2024, which triggered the commencement of the objection period. This ran until the 23rd February 2024. During the objection period, a total of 1,440 objections were received by the closing date of the 23rd February 2024, which consisted of:

·        54 written objections;

·        Two petitions signed by 951 and 65 respondents, respectively; and

·        1,384 respondents individually signed pre-written objections co-ordinated by the ‘Save Rhigos Primary School’ action committee.

In addition, 55 of the responses received during the consultation period which ran between 2nd October 2023 and 17th November 2023, were requested to be treated as objections. All of which had been made available to Cabinet Members.


With the agreement of the Leader, the following Non-Committee Member was

granted permission to address the Cabinet:

-       County Borough Councillor A Rogers


With the agreement of the Leader, the following members of the public were granted permission to address the Cabinet:

-       Ms M Evans

-       Mr J Morris


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language acknowledged that the matter before the Cabinet was emotive within the community and took the opportunity to reassure the speakers that the cabinet have reflected upon that and studied all responses in depth.


The Cabinet Member noted the Council’s statutory duty to keep surplus places under review and the sustainability of schools moving forward to ensure resources are used most effectively to provide young people with the best education within the best settings.


The Cabinet Member noted that there had been a steady decline in the number of pupils joining Rhigos Primary School and that there had been a further decline since the commencement of the consultation period in relation to the proposal. The Cabinet Member felt that this identified a clear trend, which had brought into question the sustainability of the school. The Cabinet Member spoke of the nearby Hirwaun Primary School and its 21st Century, first class facilities, including ALN provision and compliance with the Equality Act 2010, thereby ensuring that no pupil, staff member, parent / carer or member of the wider community is prevented from fully accessing the whole extent of the facilities. The Cabinet Member was also rreassured that Home to School transport would be made available to all pupils and reassured by Estyn’s views contained within the appendix to the report. As such, the Cabinet Member was therefore content with the decision.


The Deputy Leader questioned how many pupils currently attend the breakfast club, to which the Director informed the Cabinet that there were 13.


The Deputy Leader also noted that there had been a further decline in pupil numbers at the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 133.


Business in the Community and Rhondda Cynon Taf Place Partnership pdf icon PDF 146 KB

To receive the report of the Chief Executive, which seeks Cabinet approval to establish the Business in the Community and Rhondda Cynon Taf Place Partnership.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive presented the report, which sought Cabinet approval to establish the Business in the Community and Rhondda Cynon Taf Place Partnership.


Business in the Community (BITC) was described as the UK’s largest and most influential responsible business network dedicated to building a fairer and greener world together. BITC is supported by His Majesty the King. BITC aim to inspire and challenge purposeful leaders to take practical action to mobilise their collective strength as a force for good in society.


The Leader was in support of the recommendations contained within the report.


The Deputy leader emphasised the importance of building community resilience and spoke of the recent financial hardships experienced by all.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the participation of the Council in the creation of the Business in the Community and Rhondda Cynon Taf Place Partnership; and

2.    To approve the allocation of resources identified in section 8 of the report.



Rhondda Cynon Taf Health Determinants Research Collaboration pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services, which updates Cabinet on the award of funding to establish the Rhondda Cynon Taf Health Determinants Research Collaboration (RCT HDRC) and to seek approval of the aims and objectives of RCT HDRC from 2024-2028.

Additional documents:


The Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services updated the Cabinet on the award of funding to establish the Rhondda Cynon Taf Health Determinants Research Collaboration (RCT HDRC) and to seek approval of the aims and objectives of RCT HDRC from 2024-2028.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities was in support of the recommendations contained within the report; and referring to the ambitions over the next five years, which were detailed in section 4.3.2 of the report, the Cabinet Member acknowledged the amount of work required to deliver a healthier environment for the benefit of the residents.


The Cabinet Member was pleased to note that the focus would be to reduce health inequalities and improve the health of residents in RCT, whilst focussing on the areas exacerbated by the pandemic and the ongoing cost of living crisis.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care echoed earlier comments and endorsed the recommendations contained within the report.


The Deputy Leader praised the ambitions of the new collaboration and stated that it would take some time to determine the full repercussions of the pandemic on the community.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To acknowledge the award of £5 million to the Council from the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) to establish the RCT HDRC;

2.    To endorse the role of the Council in leading a new collaboration with Wales Centre for Public Policy, Cardiff University, Cwm Taf University Health Board, Interlink RCT and Public Health Wales which seeks to tackle the wider determinants of health to reduce health inequalities and improve the health of residents in RCT; and

3.    To approve the aims and objectives of RCT HDRC and delegate responsibility for overseeing delivery of the programme by the collaboration and achievement of the outcomes of RCT HDRC to the Director - Public Health, Protection and Community Services.



Draft Adult Social Care Strategy pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Social Services, which provides the Cabinet with a new six-year draft Adult Social Care Strategy (2024/30) that sets out our vision and priorities until 2030 and seek approval to undertake a targeted consultation.

Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Services provided the Cabinet with a new six-year draft Adult Social Care Strategy (2024/30) that sets out our vision and priorities until 2030 and seek approval to undertake a targeted consultation.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care praised the contents of the Strategy and its aim to outline a positive pathway for the future of adult social care in RCT, which seeks to deliver respect and dignity for those with care and support needs, their families and carers. The Cabinet Member emphasised the importance of the Strategy and explained that its priorities were fashioned against the legacy of the pandemic and at a time of increased budget constraints.


The Deputy Leader agreed with earlier comments and stated that the pandemic had unfortunately isolated some of the more mature residents within the community and that it was important to respond to the change in demands of a new generation.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report and reviews the contents of the new six-year draft Adult Social Care Strategy (2024/30);

2.    To agree to undertake an 8 week targeted consultation to seek the views of residents, partners and other key stakeholders, on the future strategy, vision and priorities for adult social care in Rhondda Cynon Taf as set out in Appendix 1 to the report; and

3.    To receive a further report detailing the outcome of the proposed targeted consultation prior to any final decision being made in relation to the future strategy for adult social care in Rhondda Cynon Taf.



Draft Corporate Parenting Pledge for Rhondda Cynon Taf pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Social Services, which provides Cabinet with information on the development of a draft Corporate Parenting Pledge for Rhondda Cynon Taf that supports implementation of Welsh Government’s Corporate Parenting Charter – “A Promise from Wales.”

Additional documents:


The Graduate Officer for Participation provided Cabinet with information on the development of a draft Corporate Parenting Pledge for Rhondda Cynon Taf that supports implementation of Welsh Government’s Corporate Parenting Charter – “A Promise from Wales.”


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care and Chair of the Corporate Parenting Board endorsed the Corporate Parenting Pledge for RCT and was delighted to note that the Council and Welsh Government enshrine the values and principles which support and promote the care and wellbeing of care experienced young people and care leavers.


The Cabinet Member spoke of the Charter for Wales and its key principles such as equality, togetherness, support, ambition, health, eradicating stigma, providing a stable home environment and a good education. The Cabinet Member added that there was no greater investment than supporting children and young people into adulthood.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services was happy to support the recommendations contained within the report and spoke positive of the Council’s strong record of commitment to children and young people.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report;

2.    To approve the draft Corporate Parenting Pledge for Rhondda Cynon Taf,detailed within appendix 2 of the report;

3.    To sign ‘the pledge’ and adopt the Welsh Government’s Corporate Parenting Charter: “A Promise from Wales.”;

4.    To delegate responsibility to the Council’s Corporate Parenting Board with leading and monitoring success and commitment to the Corporate Parenting Charter; and

5.    To reflect the delegation to the Corporate Parenting Board within the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation.



Children's Services Review of the Information, Advice and Assistance Service pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Social Services, which provides Cabinet with an overview of the transformation that is planned in relation to the Information, Advice, and Assistance (IAA) Service and seek agreement to approve and adopt the proposed IAA Review Strategy referred to below as Right Help, Right Time, and Right Place.

Additional documents:


The Head of Early Help provided the Cabinet with an overview of the transformation that is planned in relation to the Information, Advice, and Assistance (IAA) Service and sought agreement to approve and adopt the proposed IAA Review Strategy referred to in the report as ‘Right Help, Right Time, and Right Place’.


The Leader referred to the previous report considered by Cabinet in respect of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Health Determinants Research Collaboration (Minute No. 135) and commented that the understanding of community needs would be vital in the future to inform a number of strategies and how the Council responds to pressures.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care was in support of the aims to provide better services for families and improved outcomes for children. The Cabinet Member noted that despite an increase in demands and workload, along with budget pressures, the Information, Advice and Assistance Service continued to ensure needs are dealt with efficiently and as effectively as possible. The Cabinet Member was confident that the ‘Right Help, Right Time, and Right Place’ strategy would prove to be the right course of action for the future and moved the recommendations contained within the report.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report; and

2.    To agree to adopt the ‘Right Help, Right Time, Right Place’ Strategy, and its implementation plan, noting its ambition to deliver sustainable better access to the right help for vulnerable families whose needs are predicted to continue to increase.