Issue - meetings

Meeting: 06/09/2022 - Cabinet (Item 38)

38 Ultra Low Emissions Vehicles (ULEV) Transition Plan pdf icon PDF 219 KB

To receive the report of the Director, Frontline Services, which outlines the Council's plan to transition from an Internal Combustion Engine, (ICE), fleet to an Ultra-low Emissions Vehicles, (ULEV), fleet over the next 6 years. The scope, and primary focus of the report, relates to the Council's Light Goods Vehicle, (LGV), Fleet.

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The Frontline Services Officer outlined the Council's plan to transition from an Internal Combustion Engine, (ICE), fleet to an Ultra-low Emissions Vehicles, (ULEV), fleet over the next 6 years. The scope, and primary focus of the report, relates to the Council's Light Goods Vehicle, (LGV), Fleet.


The Leader was in support of the proposals and spoke of the practicalities such as the substantial cost and transfer of the fleet, which would need to fit in with the Fleet Renewal Programme. The Leader also noted that in certain instances, electrical vehicles would not be suitable but agreed that in the short term, the transfer of the smaller vehicles was the way forward.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity noted that a great deal of research had been undertaken and several ULEV schemes had been piloted over recent years. The Cabinet Member felt that it was the appropriate time to transfer to ULEV with the establishment of the Regional EV Charging Network.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.       To note the content of the report and duly to resolve to support:


a)    The procurement, either via lease-hire or outright purchase, of electric LGVs to replace existing ICE vehicles in accordance with the indicative timeline below in a phased approach.


b)    The development and installation of associated Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure, (EVCI), to enable the successful delivery and implementation of the ULEV transition plan.


c)    Trials of alternatively-fuelled vehicles, such as Hydrogen and Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil, (HVO), when and where available. (One such HVO trial is presently underway with respect to a selection of vehicles from the Council’s Heavy Goods Vehicle, (HGV), fleet, with developments being closely monitored for signs of reductions in carbon emissions, which could potentially be used to inform future green fleet initiatives).


2.       That Officers continue to pursue any and all opportunities to secure grants to assist with funding, either in part or in full, of any aspect of ULEV procurement or EVCI development.