Issue - meetings

Meeting: 18/06/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)


To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development recommending that necessary agreements are made and authorisations given by Rhondda Cynon Taf Council (RCT) to enable the preparation of a Strategic Development Plan (SDP) for the Cardiff Capital Region.

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The Director of Prosperity and Development provided Members with an overview of his report, which presented a proposal for a strategic development plan for the Cardiff Capital Region.


Members were advised that the Welsh Government have invited all Local Planning Authorities to submit proposals for SDPs, stating that the ability to plan strategically to support the Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) would be essential to ensure that key economic, social and environmental outcomes are achieved in a cohesive and evidence based approach, across the wider region.


The Director advised that the City Deal Agreement gave a commitment to prepare a Strategic Development Plan for the region and to work collaboratively on strategic transport and strategic planning issues.       He added that a statutory SDP provided certainty to developers, investors and communities that key strategic decisions around housing, transport, employment and infrastructure provision are being taken at an appropriate regional level, whilst still allowing key decisions on planning proposals to be taken locally through Local Development Plan allocations and policies and thereafter in development management decisions.


The Cabinet were informed that a proposal to proceed with an SDP for the Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) could only be put forward to Welsh Government, by an identified Responsible Authority, once all Councils have formally given approval. Members were advised that the Vale of Glamorgan were to become the ‘Responsible Authority’ and the director provided Members with details and reassurance in respect of the governance arrangements going forward of the Strategic Planning Panel, the representatives, including voting rights.


The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing spoke of the need for the SDP to be put in place and the benefits such a plan would have for RCT and the City Deal region.  The Cabinet Member spoke of the importance surrounding governance and confirmed that the Panel would have no planning application powers over a Local Authority.


The Leader spoke of the hard work by officers and Members from all of the 10 regions culminating in the current position and the work needed to be taken forward, commenting on the position of Welsh Government in taking the development of the SDP forward.


Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:


1.    That Rhondda Cynon Taf Council endorse the content of the report and agree that the Responsible Authority be authorised to submit the Proposal for a Strategic Development Plan (SDP) for the Cardiff Capital Region to the Minister on behalf of the 10 Local Planning Authorities in the region.


2.    That Rhondda Cynon Taf Council endorse the Vale of Glamorgan Council as the Responsible Authority for the Cardiff Capital Region Strategic Development Plan.


3.    That Rhondda Cynon Taf Council endorse that the strategic planning area should comprise the 10 local planning authority areas within the Cardiff Capital Region as shown on the map at Appendix A of the report.


4.     That Rhondda Cynon Taf Council authorise relevant officers to engage with the Welsh Government in drafting the Strategic Development Plan Regulations to establish the governance arrangements for the SDP and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6