Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Group Director, Community & Children’s Services referred Members to his report which sought Cabinet approval for the commissioning model for the provision of care and support services in existing and future extra care housing. Members were advised that the proposed commissioning model and subsequent procurement methodology outlined within the report would support the Council’s strategy to modernise accommodation options for older people and deliver extra care housing in Rhondda Cynon Taf. He continued by adding that the model would deliver services to people who are eligible for accommodation in extra care housing schemes, thereby retaining their independence in the community while offering flexible and responsive care and support arrangements to meet their needs, enhance quality of life and improve outcomes.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Community Services & Welsh Language referenced the previous discussions Members took forward in respect of the modernisation of residential care report, commenting that the report before Members provided the assurances that the Council should retain a presence within the care market, providing a good quality of service to the population of RCT.
The Leader commented on the report and again reiterated the need to maximise on the good staffing that the Council already have in place.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To approve the proposed preferred commissioning model for the provision of care and support services in existing and future extra care housing as set out in Section 5 of the report; namely that the Council develops an internal extra care support service to provide a strategic market share in each of the Rhondda, Cynon and Taf geographical areas that supports the highest possible quality of life for people needing extra care housing.
2. To delegate authority to agree, where applicable, the procurement processes and award of contracts for care and support to external providers for existing and future extra care housing to the Group Director, Community and Children’s Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, as set out in paragraphs 6.8 to 6.13 of the report, namely:
· The current contract for the provision for care and support at Ty Heulog, due to end 31st August 2019, be renewed through an agreed procurement process.
· The contract for provision of care and support services at Aberaman extra care housing scheme be externally commissioned.
· The care and support services be provided at the future Pontypridd and Mountain Ash extra care housing schemes, by an internal extra care domiciliary care team with a service level agreement.
3. That the provision of care and support services at the Treorchy and Porth extra care housing schemes will be appraised at a later date in line with the proposed delegated authority approval to the Group Director, Community and Children’s Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder and in accordance with the principles set out in 2 above.
County Borough Councillor R Bevan:
“As granted by the Standards Committee on the 8th December, 2017 I have a dispensation to speak and vote on all matters relating to the Community and Children’s Services Group, save for any specific matters that directly affect my daughter, who is employed by the Council in the Community and Children’s Services Group as the Service Manager for Access and Enablement.”
Publication date: 21/11/2018
Date of decision: 21/11/2018
Decided at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Cabinet
Date comes into force if not called in: 28/11/2018
Call-in deadline date: 27/11/2018
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