Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Director of Communications and Interim Head of Democratic Services provided Members with details of the proposed budget consultation process for the 2019/20 Municipal Year, in respect of public engagement. Members were advised that the process identified within the report provided residents with the opportunity, via a range of methods, to feedback to Cabinet on the 2019/20 budget setting process.
The Leader commented on the different engagement options presented within the report and spoke of the growth of social media and the need for the Council to continue to utilise this as a valuable tool for engagement. He also referenced the Barnett consequential with the UK Government budget setting and the pressures facing Authorities.
The Deputy Leader also referred to the Town Centre consultation events and the opportunity to speak to residents directly about the budget setting for the Council.
1. To note the success of last year's approach to budget consultation.
2. To endorse the proposed approach to budget consultation which will include:
3. To note that the budget consultation will run for 6 weeks from the 5th November to the 17th December 2018.
4. To note that the Council’s statutory requirements regarding consultation on the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Council Tax levels will be met via the proposed approach.
5. To instruct the Head of Democratic Services to inform the Chair Persons of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Finance and Performance Committee of the approach and the continuation of a single continuous phase.
6. To the publication of the budget consultation details and engagement opportunities on the Council’s website.
Publication date: 18/10/2018
Date of decision: 18/10/2018
Decided at meeting: 18/10/2018 - Cabinet
Date comes into force if not called in: 25/10/2018
Call-in deadline date: 24/10/2018
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