Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Principal Carbon Reduction Officer presented the report to Members and provided an update to the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee with regards to the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon (NZC) Reporting Scheme and Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s submission under that regime for the Financial Year 2022/23.
The Chair praised the report and noted how pleased she was to see that we keep 23% of our supply chain. The Chair welcomed questions from Members.
Discussions ensued and a Member referred to 5.8 and noted that we can’t use some of the data o offset our carbon emissions. The Member queried why this was the case. The Principal Carbon Reduction Officer advised that the reporting mechanism was established by the Welsh Government and they feel that we already benefit from any new electricity that we generate so that using it to offset our carbon emissions would be a double benefit. There are discussions going on between Welsh Government and Scheme Participants to recognise a new way of marking the renewable energy that we generate. The Chair asked for any updates on this to be fed back to the Committee.
Discussions continued and a Member praised that there has been an overall reduction across the Board. The Member noted how much hard work has gone on in the background in respect of our supply chain and informing suppliers how to reduce their carbon footprint and in turn to reduce our own carbon footprint. The Member praised the Officers for this hard work. The Chair advised Members that she has met with individual staff and apprentices/grafuates on the team and that they will be invited to a future meeting date and advised that she has personally thanked the team.
Another Member praised the report and noted that the service changes made by Cabinet over the years has shown that it can be joined up with decarbonisation.
Following discussion, it was AGREED:
1. To note the contents of this report as part of the ongoing work under the remit of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee;
2. To publish the data on the Council’s Carbon Footprint Dashboard; and
3. To receive further reports providing additional updates on progress as / when deemed appropriate.
Publication date: 21/12/2023
Date of decision: 21/12/2023
Decided at meeting: 21/12/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee
Effective from: 29/12/2023
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