Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Service Director, Highways and Streetcare presented his report to Members which advised of the commencement of schedule 3 ‘Sustainable Drainage’ of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (FWMA) made by the Welsh Government (WG) on the 1st May 2018 and the legislative requirement for the council to provide a new service from 7th January 2019.
The Service Director advised of the detail of Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 which requires surface water drainage for new developments to comply with mandatory National Standards for Sustainable Drainage systems. It also requires surface water drainage systems to be approved by a SuDs Approving Body before construction. Members were informed that although these were legal requirements on the council, the added benefits would be that the council would be afforded control of surface water drainage approval, reducing the risk of development within high flood risk areas; whilst minimising the risk of future flooding to the new developments and wider communities. Further opportunities to maximise the quality of surface waters associated with developments and promote the amenity and biodiversity of a new development were also highlighted.
The Leader commented on the positive position that the Council were in with the implementation of the requirements of the Act due to the provisions already in place across the County Borough. He also referenced the investment taken forward with the flood risk management team and the work undertaken to ensure that no future developments affected the Council in the future with any flood implications.
The Deputy Leader commented on the flood prevention scheme and the forward thinking of the Council with the scheme which saves lives and homes for those in the County Borough.
1. To note the commencement of schedule 3 ‘Sustainable Drainage’(SAB) of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (FWMA) made by the Welsh Government (WG) on the 1st May 2018 and the legislative requirement for the Council to provide a new service from 7th January 2019.
2. To approve the establishment of the SAB and the proposed structure outlined within section 7.2 of the report.
3. To approve the development of a council policy on discretionary charges as outlined in 7.1.5 to 7.1.9 of the report.
4. To approve the development of a policy on standard charges for adoption of Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) infrastructure as outlined in 7.1.10 of the report.
Publication date: 18/10/2018
Date of decision: 18/10/2018
Decided at meeting: 18/10/2018 - Cabinet
Date comes into force if not called in: 25/10/2018
Call-in deadline date: 24/10/2018
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