Decision Maker: Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Temporary Head of Street care Services provided Members with an overview of his report, whereby appraising Members of the planned tree maintenance within Ynysangharad War Memorial Park over the winter months.
Members were advised that the planned maintenance would ensure the effective management of the tree stock within Ynysangharad War Memorial Park and to minimise the risk to the public from tree safety issues, whilst maintaining a healthy and sustainable tree stock to help retain the value of the amenity.
It was noted that the trees are an important feature in the park and Members were reassured that no unnecessary work is undertaken. Therefore, trees are only removed if they are dangerous, diseased or already dead.
Members were referred to the appendix to the report which provided detail of the trees identified for removal and the reasons for such removal.
Members were advised that in addition to the proposed maintenance works, additional trees are planted throughout RCT annually, for the benefit of all and as part of the Council’s climate change initiative to enhance, replenish and increase tree stocks as assets for carbon sequestration and sustainable development.
Before concluding his report, the Officer informed Members that as a result of a tree being lost as part of the Eisteddfod plans, a new tree would be planted as part of the annual maintenance programme. It was confirmed that Trustees would be consulted on its exact location within the park prior to the tree being planted.
The Chair thanked the officer for the report and spoke of the importance of the trees for the benefit of all who frequented the park and agreed with the need to ensure the maintenance of the trees. The Chair welcomed the replanting of trees as advised upon and the opportunity to plant a further tree in respect of the Eisteddfod and sought reassurance that the trustees of the park would be consulted on the location of the tree, and also suggested a commemorative plaque sit alongside to acknowledge RCT hosting the 2024 Eisteddfod.
Member of the Committee spoke of the importance of the maintenance plan and communicating such works with the public, to prevent any miscommunication. Members spoke of the use of social media to portray these important messages. The Director commented on the importance of communication and spoke of the unplanned work needed following severe weather, and again the importance of communicating such work at such times.
A query was raised in respect of the Lime Tree Avenue and the officer advised of the prudent timing to excavate and move back the trees to ensure successful replanting and regrowth.
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:
i. To note the content of the report and to approve the recommended programme of tree maintenance work to be scheduled to take place between November 2023 and February 2024.
Publication date: 27/11/2023
Date of decision: 27/11/2023
Decided at meeting: 27/11/2023 - Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee
Effective from: 01/12/2023
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