Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
The Service Director Finance and Performance presented the report to Cabinet which provided an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective, based on the first six months of the financial year (to the 30th September 2023).
The Cabinet Member Climate Change and Corporate Services thanked the Service Director for the report which provides a comprehensive overview of the significant cost pressures on frontline services. She advised that she is assured that work is underway to bring projected overspend in line with budget by year end and progress is being made to deliver the Corporate Plan priorities.
The Cabinet RESOLVED to:
1. Note and agree the General Fund revenue outturn position of the Council as at the 30th September 2023 (Section 2 of the Executive Summary).
2. Request that Cabinet approve the virements listed in Sections 2a - e of the Executive Summary that exceed the £0.100M threshold as per the Council's Financial Procedure Rules.
3. Note the capital outturn position of the Council as at the 30th September 2023 (Sections 3a – e of the Executive Summary).
4. Note the details of the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators as at the 30th September 2023 (Section 3f of the Executive Summary).
Corporate Plan Priorities
5. Note the Quarter 2 progress updates for the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities (Sections 5 a – c of the Executive Summary) that include updates in respect of the Council’s on-going work to deliver its Climate Change ambitions.
Publication date: 20/11/2023
Date of decision: 20/11/2023
Decided at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: