Decision details

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Director Social Services presented the report which informs the Cabinet of the outcome of the consultation on the proposed co-produced Day Services Strategy and operating model for people with a learning disability. It also sets out recommendations regarding the next steps for the remodelling of the Council’s day services in line with the Day Service Strategy and operating model.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care stated as part of a review to improve social care the proposals will enhance the provision for people with learning disabilities and their families by promoting independence and using local facilities. He added the proposals are based on comprehensive consultation process and emphasised the level of care will not change, but will provide opportunities to avoid isolation, improve independence, assist in a choice of accommodation and gain paid employment.


The Leader confirmed that a consultation will be undertaken to work with staff, service users and Trade Unions to support the changes outlined.  He concluded that any savings made as part of this change will be reinvested back in to social services


The Cabinet RESOLVED to:


1.    Consider the feedback to the consultation on the proposed co-produced Day Services Strategy and operating model for people with a learning disability and the information provided in this report, the Equality Impact Assessment (including Socio-Economic Duty) and Welsh Language Impact Assessment.

2.    Subject to 1 above, approves the implementation of the proposed co-produced Day Services Strategy and operating model for people with a learning disability as consulted upon, including the proposed commissioning intentions and market developments as part of the planned learning disability transformation programme.

3.    Subject to 2 above, approves the remodelling of the Council’s day service provision to a new East and West structure, including smaller community-based groups to ensure that services are delivered in a way that achieves the best possible individual outcomes for people, based on need and demand, whilst making the best use of Council resources.

4.    Subject to 2 above, approves the permanent decommissioning of Treforest Learning Curve which has been closed since February 2020, due to significant damage sustained by Storm Dennis.

Subject to 2 above, approves a co-produced review of the Council’s work-based projects to explore alternative care and support options for individuals who access them with commissioned third sector and supported living providers, and supported employment agencies and employers to better meet their personal outcomes while being more cost effective.

Publication date: 20/11/2023

Date of decision: 20/11/2023

Decided at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/11/2023

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