Decision details

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Performance Manager presented the ‘Think Climate RCT: The Council’s Tackling Climate Change Strategy 2022-2025’ to Members.


The Chair welcomed the report in this format and commented that she liked the hyperlinks contained within the report. The Chair noted that because procurement lays such a large part of the Council’s  Carbon Reduction then she would like to see more about procurement in the quarterly reports.


Discussions ensued and a Member noted that the report fits in well with the Council’s Corporate Plan and that the report highlights how much work is being done in the background by the Council to hit their targets. The Member referred to the Electric Vehicle report that is due to come to the Sub Committee in December and queried whether we could invite the National Grid to attend the meeting to see what their plans are for the future. The Chair agreed that this was a good suggestion and the Director of Corporate Estates agreed to liaise with the National Grid to arrange a suitable time.


Discussions continued and another Member welcomed the report and commented that it was useful to have all the information in one place and that this a useful tool for the public. Another Member agreed and welcomed this format going forward. In respect of the National Grid, a Member suggested that the Chair has a pre meeting with Officers prior to the December meeting to ascertain what the key issues are so that the necessary challenge can be provided to the National Grid.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED:


1.     To consider the information contained within the report;

2.     To invite the National Grid to attend a subsequent meeting of the Committee as part of the Sub Committee’s Work Programme; and

3.     To note the potential to further embed the Council’s response to Climate Change into the business of the Council as part of the development of the Council’s new Corporate Plan.


Publication date: 27/09/2023

Date of decision: 27/09/2023

Decided at meeting: 27/09/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Effective from: 03/10/2023

Accompanying Documents: