Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To advise Members of the opportunities a
partnership with United World Colleges (UWC) Atlantic College could
offer learners at post 16 in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
The Director, Education & Inclusion Services provided Members with a report which outlined an opportunity to explore the potential for partnership working with schools and learners in Rhondda Cynon Taf with the United World Colleges Atlantic College.
Members were advised that in a drive to broaden the College’s impact and to apply its unique educational philosophy and ethos more widely, over the next few years, the College intends to focus its efforts on strengthening its outreach programme to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds from within the UK and specifically Wales. She continued by adding that senior staff from the College had approached the Council to explore the potential for such partnership working. The Director advised of the rationale for taking forward such partnership working and the opportunity to improve the life chances of learners in RCT
The Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong Learning commented positively on the opportunities the proposals would bring forward for the right candidate within Rhondda Cynon Taf and welcomed the 12month selection process. The Cabinet Member highlighted her concerns in respect of the pastoral care for the young people during school holiday periods and the Director reassured Members that excellent pastoral care was provided at all times for each of the learners.
The Cabinet Member for Children & Young People also welcomed the initiative and spoke of the positive links being made. She also took the opportunity to advise that both herself and the Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong Learning would be undertaking a visit to the college in the near future.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. That Officers work in partnership with UWC Atlantic College to forge links with schools in RCT to promote the opportunities on offer.
2. That Officers from Education and Children’s Services work with the college to identify suitable candidates.
3. That a further report to inform on progress is presented to Cabinet after a 12 month period.
Publication date: 20/09/2018
Date of decision: 20/09/2018
Decided at meeting: 20/09/2018 - Cabinet
Date comes into force if not called in: 27/09/2018
Call-in deadline date: 26/09/2018
Accompanying Documents: