Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Head of 21st Century Schools provided Members with her report which sought Members approval to begin the relevant and required statutory consultation for the proposal to establish a new Primary education provision to serve the new housing development at Llanilid, Llanharan. The Officer explained that this would  be achieved, in the first instance, by treating the new building that would be provided by the housing developers as an extension to the dual-language provision at the existing Dolau Primary School


The Officer explained further that to open a new school provision for Llanilid, as an extension of Dolau Primary School, in the first instance,  rather than establishing a brand new school, is in the best interests of  the pupils who would attend and the staff who would work there. The existing leadership team of Dolau, recognised by Estyn as being extremely successful would be able to establish the new provision to the same high standards currently achieved at the school.


The Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong Learning commented on the proposals, adding that the establishment of a new primary school to serve the new housing development was a necessary provision that needed to be taken forward.  The Cabinet Member also referenced the high standards of Dolau Primary school and the sensible approach to be taken forward.


With the permission of the Chair, County Borough Councillor R Turner spoke on this item.


Following discussions it was RESOLVED:


1.    To note the information contained within the report;


2.    To commence consultation on the specific proposal to establish new Primary education provision to serve the new housing development at Llanilid, Llanharan



Publication date: 20/09/2018

Date of decision: 20/09/2018

Decided at meeting: 20/09/2018 - Cabinet

Date comes into force if not called in: 27/09/2018

Call-in deadline date: 26/09/2018

Accompanying Documents: