Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Chief Executive presented the report, which sought approval from Cabinet to agree the Council’s Office Accommodation Strategy, Workspace Plan: Fit for the Future, for the period 2023-2030 and the Council’s Operating Model and Working Arrangements Policy.
The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Service was pleased to note that the Accommodation Strategy before Members was in line with carbon footprint work of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee. The Cabinet Member noted that the report recognises the importance of hybrid workings but that there was still a need for front facing staff for some services. As such, the Cabinet Member recognised the need to monitor the working arrangements and how it meets the needs of both the Council and the staff.
The Cabinet Member voiced her support of the proposals and commented that the relocation of the Council HQ would bring footfall to Pontypridd and would give staff greater opportunity to use public transport, which would support the green agenda.
The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity welcomed the proposals and the opportunity to explore the feasibility of releasing the site at the Pavilions, Clydach Vale for the redevelopment of the site for a new Special School. The Cabinet Member spoke of Welsh Government’s policy through the Transforming Towns scheme to bring people and public services back into town centres so this would align well with Welsh Government’s future plans.
The Leader took the opportunity to thank officers for the work undertaken to establish the proposals. The Leader noted that many of the offices aren’t public facing and explained that although Committee meetings are held at Clydach Vale, it’s current use is for Members, the Senior Leadership Team and different departments. The Leader was of the view that the move from Clydach Vale to Pontypridd town centre would be more central with better links to public transport and noted that the majority of the changes in the report would be more accessible for staff.
In terms of revenue savings, the Leader noted that it would be over £400,000 a year, which would benefit the budget going forward; and over £3M worth of capital savings. In terms of Llys Cadwyn, the Leader clarified that rental income on the model meant that there had been no cost to the Council and explained that due to the increase in rental income, the Council were largely on course to cover the vast majority of the income figure with no detriment to the Council.
The Leader was in support of the recommendations and commented that it would be a positive for the taxpayer, staff and the environment. The Leader added that there was potential for future opportunities to enhance the existing buildings detailed within the report.
The Cabinet RESOLVED:
1.To approve the Office Accommodation Strategy (2023-2030), which includes:
i. Relocating the Council’s headquarters into the heart of Pontypridd town centre, utilising vacant floor space at Llys Cadwyn;
ii. Exploring the feasibility of releasing the site at the Pavilions, Clydach Vale for the redevelopment of the site for a new Special School (n.b. Any proposal would be subject to the requirements set out in Welsh Government ‘s School Organisation Code (011/2018));
iv. Relocating services and staff currently located at Ty Sardis, Pontypridd (excluding the Housing Solutions Services); and
v. Retaining Ty Sardis as the Council’s Housing Advice and Support Centre and facilitating the co-location of other specialist support and transitional housing accommodation provision currently in Pontypridd at a single, improved location.
2. To authorise the Chief Executive to assign suitable and sufficient office accommodation to services and staff to meet service requirements and support the needs of staff.
3.To authorise the Head of Democratic Services to assign suitable and sufficient office accommodation and services to meet the resource and facility requirements of Elected Members.
4. To approve the Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council Operating Model and Working Arrangements Policy as detailed at Appendix II of the report.
5. To note the overall revenue savings of £0.435M generated as a result of this proposal plus the removal of a backlog maintenance liability of £2.9M.
Publication date: 15/05/2023
Date of decision: 15/05/2023
Decided at meeting: 15/05/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 19/05/2023
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