Decision details

Decision Maker: Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director of Prosperity and Development presented the report, which sought Trustees’ comments and approval on progressing the potential redevelopment opportunity for an event space within Ynysangharad War Memorial Park which would support the delivery of major events prior to consideration by the Cabinet.


The Director drew Members attention to Section 5 of the report, where details of the proposal were outlined.The Director advised Members that should they agree to the recommendations contained within Section 2 of the report, the report would be presented to Cabinet at its meeting on 15th May 2023 for approval.


With the permission of the Chair, County Borough Councillor K Johnson addressed the Committee in respect of the proposal.


Trustees sought assurance and confirmation from the Director of Prosperity and Development that there was no intention to create additional car parking space or a vehicle turning area on the land as part of the proposal and it was acknowledged that the proposal was a soft land scaping solution that seeks to make better use of the green space.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure emphasised the importance of the Council’s robust tree planting programme and noted that during the last tree planting season, over 400 trees, hedgerows and shrubs were planted in parks. The Trustees were assured that work would be undertaken to ensure the loss of any trees is minimised.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services spoke of the wide range of users and groups which utilise the park’s green space and commented that establishing the space would further enhance what the park has to offer.


The Chair was in support of the proposals and emphasised that any decisions made by Cabinet would be in the best interest of the park, residents and wider County Borough.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.      That following consideration of the concept design proposal, to support the proposal and submission of a formal application for funding; and

2.      To provide feedback on the Committee’s decision to the Cabinet at its meeting on the 15th May 2023.


Publication date: 11/05/2023

Date of decision: 11/05/2023

Decided at meeting: 11/05/2023 - Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee

Accompanying Documents: