Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director of Finance and Digital Services provided the Cabinet with information in respect of the 2023/24 local government settlement and the outcomes of the budget consultation phase 1 exercise, to assist with its deliberations in formulating the revenue budget strategy for the financial year 2023/24, which it would recommend to Council, for approval.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services thanked the Director for the report and recognised the incredibly challenging times for all Local Authorities in Wales making financial decisions. The Cabinet Member stated that the report had demonstrated how a balanced budget could be delivered in 2023-2024, without the need for compulsory redundancies and with only marginal service delivery changes in comparison to other Local Authorities. The Cabinet Member was pleased to note that the proposed Council Tax increase would likely be one of the lowest in Wales, whilst fees and charges increases would be well below inflation.


The Deputy Leader emphasised the importance of the Budget consultation and spoke of the numerous areas consulted to form the budget strategy. In respect of the consultation responses, the Deputy Leader noted that a high percentage of people were in favour and supportive of how the Council manage finances in current climate. 


The Leader spoke of the substantial uplift for schools, which was outlined within the report and explained that there was a £13.7M increase in Council resources. The Leader explained that even with the proposed service changes, savings identified and the increased provisional settlement by the Welsh Government, there would still be a £9.1M budget gap, £5M of which would be covered by the energy reserves and £4.1M covered by transitional reserve funding.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note that the procedures relating to revenue budget construction, the budget consultation process, and reporting to Council, are set out in the “Budget and Policy Framework” within the Council’s Constitution;

2.    To note and consider the outcomes of the budget consultation phase 1 process.

3.    To review and consider the draft 2023/24 Revenue Budget Strategy, detailed in the attached Discussion Paper ‘Appendix A’ of the report;

4.    To consider and determine the level of Council Tax increase for 2023/24 which it would wish to build into the strategy to form the basis upon which a second phase of consultation will take place.

5.    To agree the draft timetable for setting the 2023/24 revenue budget as set out at Appendix A2 of the report;

6.    To receive feedback from the second phase of budget consultation in order to consider and determine the final budget strategy for submission to Council; and

7.    That the Council continues to support the medium term financial strategy aimed at maximising ongoing efficiency in service delivery, targeted service transformation and other changes that maintain the financial integrity of the Council whilst still aiming as much as possible to protect jobs and key services.


(Note: The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication advised that the approval of the Council’s Presiding Officer would be sought to exempt this item from Call-In, to enable the consultation to commence with immediate effect.)


Urgent item?: Yes

Publication date: 23/01/2023

Date of decision: 23/01/2023

Decided at meeting: 23/01/2023 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: