Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Head of Flood Risk Management and Strategic Projects advised the Cabinet of the requirements to review and produce a revised Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan (formerly known as a Flood Risk Management Plan), as required under Section 10 of the Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA) 2010. Furthermore, the officer advised Members of the program of work required to deliver the review of the LFRMS and Action Plan, in accordance with the statutory timeframe stipulated by Welsh Government.


The Leader welcomed the report and was in support of the recommendations, which fit with the Council’s wider Flood Risk Management Strategy and the expectations of Welsh Government. The Leader explained that many internal reviews and investigations had been undertaken following the likes of Storm Dennis. The Leader stated that RCT had the highest surface flood risk across Wales and that the review would help levy future funding, which is allocated across Wales based on risk assessment and need.


The Deputy Leader spoke in support of the recommendations and commented that although the Strategy was statutory, there was no legal obligation to carry out the consultation. The Deputy Leader spoke of the importance of consulting with residents to help eliminate fear.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To commence the review of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan; and

2.    To note the indicative timescales, actions and reports being brought to Cabinet and Climate Change, Frontline Services & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee in Appendix 1.



Publication date: 29/11/2022

Date of decision: 29/11/2022

Decided at meeting: 29/11/2022 - Cabinet

Effective from: 03/12/2022

Accompanying Documents: