Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Service Director Prosperity and Development presented the report to members which set out the draft Placemaking Plan for Pontypridd Town Centre. The report provides a bold vision for the regeneration of the town. He continued that ‘Placemaking’ is an overarching approach to improving how a place looks, functions and is experienced. The draft Placemaking Plan for Pontypridd Town Centre seeks to replace the existing Regeneration Framework for Pontypridd (2017-2022) building upon the foundations of what has already been delivered and to provide a framework for delivering further new development and investment that can help improve the prosperity of Pontypridd, enhance the townscape and make it more resilient to future change.
The Cabinet Member Bevan Enterprise Development and Housing commented that the proposals in the report demonstrates the Councils commitment to the development of Pontypridd and noted that £167m had been invested in the area in recent years. He looked forward to receiving feedback from the consultation process.
The Deputy Leader agreed and commented that the development of the Lido, YMCA and the Muni over the last few years demonstrates this Council’s level of commitment and investment in this ward.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To consider the draft Pontypridd Placemaking Plan and agreed to consultation and public engagement on the overarching Pontypridd Placemaking Plan including engagement on early ideas for the former Marks & Spencer /Dorothy Perkins/Burtons area;
2. To receive a further report detailing the results from the consultation exercise;
3. That in addition to consulting on the Placemaking plan, agree to a funding application being submitted to Welsh Government to demolish the vacant Marks & Spencer/Dorothy Perkins/Burtons buildings due to their dilapidated and structural state and general poor quality and to commence the demolition process if and when funding is in place and on the securing of any necessary statutory consents;
4. That in addition to consulting on the Placemaking plan, agree to move to the formal procurement stage to secure a development partner to deliver a hotel on the site of the former Bingo Hall/High Street/Sardis Road.
Urgent item?: Yes
Publication date: 28/02/2022
Date of decision: 28/02/2022
Decided at meeting: 28/02/2022 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: