Decision details

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Service Director Children’s Services presented the report to Cabinet which provided information regarding the looked after children prevention strategy. The report includes an outline of the services aimed to develop to enhance our offer to families, and the resources that are required to make that possible.


The Cabinet Member Children’s Services agreed that supporting families is a priority to RCTCBC and delivering this priority will require additional service. She was pleased that the children looked after is gradually declining and the Authority were developing an improved service.  She commented that this was especially important to parents who have experienced the care system themselves. 


The Leader added that there was pressure on the service to keep families together and it was pleasing to see this coming forward.  Having attended a number of meetings with the Service Director for Children’s Services he learned that studies revealed that the best outcome for a child is providing Early Intervention support and supporting them to stay within their family. 


At this juncture of the meeting and with permission of the Leader, Councillor P Jarman addressed the Committee in respect of this item -  She informed members that the Strategy will be a focus for the cross party Corporate Parenting Board and reassured that party politics was a no go area when it comes to safeguarding vulnerable children. She was impressed with the information in the report which she believed is intended to make a difference and support in keeping families together.


Following consideration of the report it was RESOLVED to


  1. Note the information contained within this report and give formal approval to implement the proposed investment and service developments


Note the proposal that the Council sign up to the Charter for parents who are in care and leaving care which will be considered at a subsequent Corporate Parenting Board

Publication date: 27/01/2022

Date of decision: 27/01/2022

Decided at meeting: 27/01/2022 - Cabinet

Effective from: 03/02/2022

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