Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director of Prosperity and Development presented the report to members which updated Members on the progress of the Revised Local Development Plan (RLDP). He advised that the report indicates that although considerable work has been undertaken, we have been unable to meet the formal Delivery Agreement. He continued that the report then sets out the most appropriate way to comply with our statutory duty to prepare a Development Plan for Rhondda Cynon Taf


The Director continued that considerable work has been undertaken on the preparation of the Revised LDP throughout the Covid pandemic. However, due to the restrictions this placed on the ability to fully engage with the public and commission the necessary consultancy advice, along with other external issues that have arisen; key elements of the RLDP preparation have not been completed within the formally agreed timescale


Following consideration of all options, and in consultation with Welsh Government, it is proposed that we cease work on the current RLDP 2020 – 2030. In its place, we will begin a new RLDP, and this for the longer plan period of 2022 – 2037. This would allow for a Development Plan to be prepared for Rhondda Cynon Taf that fully responds to the key issues we now face, with Climate Change and carbon reduction at its core and a full and strategic approach to a post pandemic and post Brexit County Borough.


The Director advised that in technical planning terms, there is a clear concern in relation to one of the three ‘Tests of Soundness’ that the Planning Inspector will determine the RLDP upon. This considers whether they are confident that the RLDP can be implemented and delivered in this short time i.e. all its aims, objectives, strategy, and development of all site allocations. It is therefore considered that the most appropriate option would be to cease preparation of the RLDP 2020 – 2030 and begin a new RLDP for 2022 -2037.


The Cabinet Member Enterprise Development and Housing, endorsed the report.  He advised that an RLDP Steering Group had been set up and had met earlier in the morning. He stated that is was clear that delivery targets and times had been impacted due to COVID particularly the public consultation process and engaging consultants.  He continued that we now need to review the position to move forward to produce a new LDP to take us to 2037.


At this juncture of the meeting and with permission of the Leader, Councillor P Jarman addressed the Committee in respect of this item – she referred to the RLDP Steering Group of which she was also a member of and was pleased of the work so far and stated that they were experienced in planning policy.  She noted that the Draft Delivery agreement will be reported to full council in March and will reserve comment until then and contribute to the debate


Following consideration of the report it was RESOLVED to


  1. Approve the cessation of the preparation of the Revised Local

Development Plan (RLDP) 2020 – 2030.


  1. Approve the proposal to begin a new RLDP with an amended and

extended Plan period of 2022 – 2037. This is with the understanding

that the majority of evidence base collected to date and preparation

processes undertaken, can be carried forward, updated or revisited as necessary.


  1.  Approve that the Draft Delivery Agreement (DA), that sets out the

Community Involvement Scheme and Timetable for the preparation of the new RLDP, be put out to targeted and public consultation attached as Appendix 1 of the report.


  1. Any appropriate and necessary amendments resulting from the

consultation will be incorporated into a final DA. It is proposed that the recommendations in 1 and 2 above, along with the final DA, will be reported directly to Full Council in March. (This Full Council decision is required in order to seek agreement with Welsh Government to begin the preparation of the new RLDP).

Publication date: 27/01/2022

Date of decision: 27/01/2022

Decided at meeting: 27/01/2022 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: