Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Service Director Highways and Engineering presented the report for Cabinet to consider the outcome of a statutory active travel consultation exercise that the Council has recently undertaken, in accordance with the requirements of the Welsh Government.
This report asks Members to note the outcome of this exercise, the Council’s response to the comments received and the next stage of the active travel consultation process, which is the submission of an Active Travel Network Map and supporting documents to the Welsh Government by no later than 31st December 2021.
For a period of almost 14 weeks, the Council conducted a public consultation exercise over a draft Active Travel Network Map (ATNM) for Rhondda Cynon Taf. Members were referred to the detail of the outcome of the consultation in Appendix A of the report. Members were advised that respondents were made aware during the consultation exercise that the details shown on the draft ATNM are considered as aspirational, that the Council will seek to deliver, but these details do not commit the Council to implementing any of them.
The Service Director Highways and Engineering continued that it is intended that the details shown in the final version of the ATNM, is to be submitted to the Welsh Government, together with the details in Appendix C of the report which represent the Council's aspirations for developing a safe and high-quality network of active travel routes in Rhondda Cynon Taf over the next 5, 10 and 15 years. He added that the outcome of the recent active travel consultation exercise will help to build upon the Council's achievements to date and inform the Council in its preparation of future bids for funding Community Routes and Safe Routes in Communities Schemes.
The Leader welcomed the report and was pleased to see the level of engagement received by the public. He commented that due to the current network of highways it was difficult to create the links required as unfortunately we do not have the infrastructure that many towns and cities have. He added the team are reviewing a number of potential routes and there are a number of highway routes that have commenced design work in RCT and with continued funding from Welsh Government, the plans within the report can be implemented
The Deputy Leader commented that there is a challenge in achieving mutual respect when using these routes as they are used by cyclists, walkers, disabled people, children and dog walkers and she noted that some cyclists taking part in the tour de France also use the route which was fantastic but reaching a mutual level of respect for the users was needed.
The Cabinet Member thanked the officers for inclusive consultation that reached a wide range of residents and organisations, especially representing those with visual impairments.
Following consideration of the report it was RESOLVED to:
Note the next stage of the active travel consultation process and endorse the submission of the final version of the Active Travel Network Map and supporting documents to the Welsh Government – by no later than 31st December 2021.
Publication date: 13/12/2021
Date of decision: 13/12/2021
Decided at meeting: 13/12/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 17/12/2021
Accompanying Documents: