Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Director of Prosperity and Development presented the report to Cabinet to update them on the progress made since September 2017 when Cabinet considered and approved the Strategic Opportunity Areas report and the further development of schemes and projects within the ‘Llanilid’ Strategic Opportunity Area
He referred members to section 5.9 of the report which outlined collaborative working with Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board and the positive steps towards the delivery of new health care facilities in the area. He added that work is also well underway to develop a masterplan for the southern half of the SOA which comprises over 250HA of reclaimed former opencast mine
The Cabinet Member Enterprise, Housing and Development stated that this was one of the most important strategic sites in South Wales but also reminded members that it was a brownfield site so was not encroaching on Countryside areas. He added the project was of significant importance for South Wales
The Cabinet Member Adult Community Services and Welsh Language spoke as a Local Ward Member and welcomed the significant progress that had been made on range of infrastructure and noted that it was an important project to local residents as well as a large scale strategic project. He added that it was important to keep pace with the expansion of residential areas and welcomed the continuing developments on the Llanharan Link Road although moving towards less reliance on using our cars is crucial road transport is still key taking into consideration the size of the development plan. He commented that he was also pleased to see a robust public transport system was planned to keep pace with the development as it was a significant commuter area as well as Health care facilities to meet the current demands.
The Leader spoke positively of the Llanharan Link Road proposal with the potential to open up more development of the site to create further job opportunities
Following consideration it was RESOLVED to:
Note progress made since September 2017 in the development and delivery of projects and investment opportunities within the Llanilid Strategic Opportunity Area (SOA).
Publication date: 13/12/2021
Date of decision: 13/12/2021
Decided at meeting: 13/12/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 17/12/2021
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