Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Director of Prosperity and Development provided an overview of the report which detailed the significant progress that has been made in the delivery of major regeneration projects and initiatives within Pontypridd Town Centre.
The Director provided Members with an update in respect of current schemes work to include the former Bingo Hall and Marks & Spencer sites and advised Members that further reports for both schemes will be brought forward to Cabinet in the New Year. The Director further noted the recent good news in respect of the extremely successful Levelling Up Fund Bid for Muni Arts Centre refurbishment and advises Members that work will proceed at pace on this development.
The Director later informed Members of work on the new placemaking plan and anticipates that a draft plan will be reported to Cabinet in the New Year for Members consideration ahead of significant public engagement.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development and Housing spoke positively of the outcomes of the Regeneration Framework for Pontypridd Town centre 2017 – 2022, referencing the delivery of numerous successful projects. The Cabinet Member commended the local authority for its commitment to Framework delivery and welcomes development of the new placemaking plan, to further regenerate and invest into Town Centres for the benefit of County Borough residents.
The Deputy Leader echoed the comments of The Director and Cabinet Member, in respect of successful regeneration delivery in Pontypridd and the successful Muni Arts Centre Levelling Up Fund Bid for Muni Arts Centre.
The Leader further reflected on the positive impact of investment for regeneration in Pontypridd Town Centre with reference to several Framework schemes.
(N.B County Borough Councillor A Davies-Jones was present for discussion of this item as the local MP for Pontypridd)
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:
1. To note the progress made since September 2017 in the development and delivery of projects and investment opportunities within Pontypridd Town Centre
2. To note the progress made in the development of the Pontypridd Town Centre Placemaking Plan which builds upon the 2017 – 2022 Regeneration Framework. The draft placemaking plan has been developed with Welsh Government and Transport for Wales and provides a bold vision for Pontypridd that is based on a shared ambition for the town and its role within the Capital City Region.
3. To consider a further report in the new year to seek approval of the placemaking plan for consultation and public engagement, alongside further updates on progress of the Muni Arts Centre redevelopment, the former Bingo Hall site and the former M&S store and associated buildings.
Publication date: 15/11/2021
Date of decision: 15/11/2021
Decided at meeting: 15/11/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 19/11/2021
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