Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Group Director, Community & Children’s Services provided Cabinet with an overview of the operation and effectiveness of the Council’s statutory Social Services complaints procedure between  1st April 2020 and 31st March 2021, which contained information on the background of the Social Services statutory complaints procedure, information on lessons learnt from complaints and performance data for Adults & Children’s Social Services, together with achievements for 2020/21 and future developments.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Welsh Language thanked the Customer Feedback, Engagement and Complaints Manager for the hard work constantly undertaken in dealing with all representations received.  The Cabinet Member referenced the clear evidence of the robust procedures in place and was pleased to note the substantial decrease in complaints received, following a demanding year.


The Leader echoed the comments of the Cabinet Member and spoke of how the Council used the representations received to further improve on the services and provision provided.


The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services spoke on the professional manner that the service dealt with the representation received.


Following discussions, it was RESOLVED to:


1.    Agree the contents of the Social Services Annual Complaints report (attached as Appendix 1).

2.    Note the work undertaken by the Social Services Complaints Team

Reasons for the decision:

The need to provide Cabinet with an overview of the operation and effectiveness of the Council’s statutory Social Services complaints procedure between  1st April 2020 and 31st March 2021.

Publication date: 04/10/2021

Date of decision: 04/10/2021

Decided at meeting: 04/10/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 08/10/2021

Accompanying Documents: