Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Director of Prosperity & Development provided Members with the draft RCT Tourism Strategy which highlighted key tourism related priorities. Members were referred to the public consultation exercise carried out on the draft RCT Tourism Strategy, identifying that overall, respondents were supportive of the Strategy and its contents, and welcome the proposals.
Members were advised that the draft RCT Tourism Strategy has been updated to incorporate some minor amends (brought about from comments put forward during the consultation and from Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee).
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing welcomed the report and referenced the importance of the tourism growth acknowledging the positive affects of the pandemic with the stay at home message in respect of tourism. The Cabinet Member referenced the £179 million brought in by the tourist industry to the RCT economy and also commented on the employment benefits.
The Cabinet Member spoke of the positive consultation feedback and the bright future ahead in the tourism industry within the county borough.
The Deputy Leader spoke of the diverse range of activities across the County Borough and the need to continue to invest within the tourist industry to improve the facilities for all.
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:
1. That following consider of the responses to the public consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the draft RCT Tourism Strategy that no further amendments are required to the proposals, other than those already adopted into the Strategy.
2. To approve the draft RCT Tourism Strategy as the official strategic document that will underpin the Council’s tourism priorities and efforts.
Publication date: 23/09/2021
Date of decision: 23/09/2021
Decided at meeting: 23/09/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 29/09/2021
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