Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director Highways and Frontline Services provided an overview of his report which provided detail of the review of the regulation, awareness and enforcement of flood and water legislation to be undertaken within the Council following Storm Dennis.


The Director also took the opportunity to further advise members in regard to the implementation of an enhanced Flood Awareness and Enforcement team and increased regulation via the enactment of Land Drainage Byelaws under S66 of the Land Drainage Act 1991.


Members were advised that the Welsh Government’s National Flood Risk Strategy published in October 2020 triggers the requirement under S10 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 for the Council as Lead Local Flood Authority to review the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. It was therefore highlighted of the opportunity to set a sustainable strategy to manage flood risk and build resilience and facilitate adaption for future generations. 


The adoption of the byelaws and creation of the enforcement team and flooding awareness and support officer would also help protect the assets the Council have, prevent new risks from being created, build resilience within communities and ultimately help communities adapt to this particular consequence of climate change, whilst providing valuable information to feed into the Local Flood Risk Strategy Review to provide a robust strategy to manage the increasing risk of flooding through climate change.


The Leader of the Council referenced the report presented to Cabinet in December 2020 and the resulting recommendations taken forward, referencing the need for an enforcement officer with particular reference to water courses on private land and the need to raise awareness within communities and make communities more resilient to flood prevent.


The Deputy Leader commented on previous flooding within her ward and referenced the support provided by Newydd Housing, providing a high level of protection to its residents and the duty imposed on landlords to their tenants.


The Cabinet Member for Environment, Leisure & Heritage welcomed the creation of the enforcement team and the need for the Council to work with communities to ensure communities are working proactively rather than reactively to any flooding.


With the agreement of the Leader, County Borough Councillor P Jarman addressed the Committee at this juncture in the meeting to which the Leader responded advising that with Member’s agreement, a Members Briefing session in respect of the byelaws could be provided to all Members ahead of a report to Council at the end of the month.


Following discussions it was RESOLVED:

1.    To the creation of an enforcement team and post as indicated in Section 4.3 and Section 7 of the report.

2.    To the creation of a flooding awareness and support officer post as indicated in Section 4.4 of the report

3.    That officers commence the process for the adoption of the drainage byelaws and refer the matter to Council for consideration, with a briefing session provided to all Members prior to the Council meeting.

4.    To note the proposal to review the practical operational implications within 12 months of establishing the new byelaws and enforcement team to consider resourcing implications based on actual workload.

5.    That the financial implications for the current year are met from existing resources and to update the Medium-Term Financial Plan for 2022/23 onwards with the additional ongoing revenue costs

Publication date: 21/09/2021

Date of decision: 21/09/2021

Decided at meeting: 21/09/2021 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: