Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The provided Members with the draft Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP), as required by Section 84 of The School Standards and Organisation Act 2013. Members were advised that since the first WESP was submitted to the Welsh Government in 2016 by the Council, there have been significant changes in the Welsh medium education sector at local and national levels. These changes have been mainly influenced by Welsh Government legislation, in particular the new Welsh in Education Action Plan and further implementation of the 21st Century Schools and Colleges Programme. The two new focuses for the WESP needed to be extending the duration of the WESP from its current three year implementation cycle to a ten year implementation cycle; and the removal of the current duty on Local Authorities to plan their provision of Welsh medium education based on demand, with the requirement that Local Authorities achieve targets set by the Welsh Government which aim to increase the percentage of year one learners in Welsh medium education over the duration of the WESP.


The Head of Service continued by providing Members with an overview of the draft WESP highlighting the target set to increase the percentage of year one learners in Welsh medium education, and the seven outcomes or areas setting out how Local Authorities are expected to improve Welsh medium and Welsh language education in their locality.


The Head of Service spoke of the partnership engagement needed to take be taking forward to assist in achieving the desired outcomes and the need for a public consultation to be undertaken.


The Leader thanked Members of the Welsh Language Cabinet Steering Group for their prior consideration to the draft WESP and noted the comments arising out of the meeting which had been circulated to Members in advance.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Community Services and Welsh Language welcomed the move to a 10year strategy and spoke positively of the engagement with partners to draft the strategic plan, which had produced a balanced and realistic plan to take forward.  Further consultation on the draft plan was important to further strengthen the ambitions of the Council in delivering the welsh government targets.


The Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-being and Cultural Services commented on the ambitious strategy before Members and commented on the investment already made by the Authority through welsh medium education settings, which was reflected in the plan.




1.    To note the contents of this report and the draft WESP attached in appendix 1 to the report.


2.    To Consider the draft WESP.


3.    To agree for officers to engage and consult with a wide range of stakeholders on the draft WESP.


4.    To agree to review the results of the consultation on the draft WESP at a future meeting of the Cabinet



Publication date: 20/07/2021

Date of decision: 20/07/2021

Decided at meeting: 20/07/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/07/2021

Accompanying Documents: