Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Service Director, Democratic Services & Communication provided the Cabinet with the feedback of the Climate Change Cabinet Steering Group and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which met on the 14th and 15th June 2021, respectively, to consider a report on the Draft Climate Change Strategy (2021-2025) Consultation Responses.


Members were advised of the responses received from the Committees before being provided with an overview of the consultation responses in respect of the draft climate strategy. Members were advised of the methods used to consult on the strategy with use of the ‘Lets Talk RCT platform’. 


Members were referred to section 6 of the report which presented the key findings to the consultation responses, with 76% of respondents to the survey agreed that the Council’s work to tackle Climate Change should be set out in one plan. Members were advised that Overall, 392 people took part in the engagement on the Climate Change Strategy, with 220 people engaged directly in the engagement via the Let’s Talk Climate Change engagement tool.349 were informed (viewed documents and multiple pages) and 608 were aware (visited the site).


The Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-being & Cultural Services and Chair of the Climate Change Steering Group commented on the high level of support for the strategy and the need to become a carbon neutral County Borough.  The Cabinet Member welcomed the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in respect of the consultation responses.


The Leader welcomed the public involvement and commented on the joined up approach needed by the Council and the communities to take forward the climate changes to ensure the whole County Borough is Carbon Neutral as close as possible to the 2030 target.



Following discussions it was RESOLVED:



1.    To note the content of the report considered by the Climate Change Cabinet Steering Group and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee;


2.    To note the comments and observations of the Climate Change Cabinet Steering Group following consideration of the report at its meeting on 14th June 2021; and the comments and observations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee following pre-scrutiny of the report at its meeting on 15th June 2021 as referenced within the report.


3.    To the recommendations presented within the Draft Climate Change Strategy (2021-2025) Consultation Findings, which is attached as Appendix 1 to this report, and for ease of reference listed below:


               i. Request that Officers use the feedback to inform the development of the final Climate Change Strategy.


              ii. Agree to support the approach of facilitating an ongoing climate change conversation with residents, local businesses and partners, linked to the final Climate Change Strategy workplan.


Publication date: 24/06/2021

Date of decision: 24/06/2021

Decided at meeting: 24/06/2021 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: