Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Service Director, Performance and Improvement provided an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective, based on the first nine months of this financial year (to the 31st December 2020).
The Service director advised that the third quarter revenue budget position was projecting a £1.049M overspend, representing an improved picture compared to quarters 1 and 2. He added that this projection reflected the continuation of key pressures primarily within Children’s and Adult Services. Members were reminded that the position was also set in the unprecedented context of Covid-19 and takes into account additional Welsh Government funding received for the first nine months of the year, and that forecasted to be received for the remainder of the year, in respect of additional expenditure incurred and income loss as a result of the pandemic.
As part of the Council’s robust service and financial management arrangements, the Service Director advised that work was continuing across all services to contribute to bringing the financial position closer in line with budget; refresh financial forecasts for the full year as updated information becomes available; and engagement with Welsh Government to highlight the importance of providing additional funding to meet on-going permanent cost pressures.
Capital investment as at 31st December 2020 is £57.483M, with projects across the programme continuing to progress during Quarter 3, taking account of Covid-19 restrictions and safety requirements. The Service Director concluded his overview by advising of the good progress that had been made across the Council’s three Corporate Plan priorities of People, Places and Prosperity with a continued focus on providing essential support to residents and businesses to help counter the significant impact Covid-19 is having on local communities and, alongside this, progressing the delivery of major projects.
The Deputy Leader referenced the positive indicators in respect of sickness absence and thanked all staff for their loyalty and hard work during a difficult year.
The Cabinet Member for Corporate Estates welcomed the report and noted the improvements made since the previous quarter report. He referenced the ongoing pressures facing the Council in respect of Social Services and praised officers for the work undertaken to maximise on grant funding opportunities.
The Leader also reiterated his thanks for the work undertaken by Council staff and referenced work and investment in schools, town centres and empty properties across the County Borough. The Leader also commented on the substantial pressures in respect of Social Services.
1. To note the continued unprecedented circumstances Council Services are operating within as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
2. To note and agree the General Fund revenue outturn position of the Council as at the 31st December 2020 (Section 2 of the Executive Summary) including the on-going Welsh Government Covid-19 funding to support service delivery.
3. To note the capital outturn position of the Council as at the 31st December 2020 (Sections 3a – e of the Executive Summary).
4. To note the details of the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators as at the 31st December 2020 (Section 3f of the Executive Summary).
Corporate Plan Priorities
5. To note the Quarter 2 progress updates for the Council’s agreed Corporate Plan priorities (Sections 5 a – c of the Executive Summary).
6. To note the progress update to enhance the Council’s short term and long-term response to extreme weather events (Section 6 of the Executive Summary).
Publication date: 25/03/2021
Date of decision: 25/03/2021
Decided at meeting: 25/03/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 01/04/2021
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