Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes



The Director of Education & Inclusion Services provided Cabinet Members with details of the capital works for approval for 2021/22 as part of the Council’s three-year Capital Programme.

The Director reminded Cabinet Members that an amount of £7.170M has been allocated to the planned capital programme (minor works) for 2021/22, as agreed by Council on the 10th March 2021.

The Director continued by advising that continuation of the three-year rolling Capital Programme and sustaining the level of funding would continue to make significant enhancements to the quality of the Council’s school premises and has been a vital part of the Council school modernisation programme which has undoubtedly contributed to improved standards.


Members were referred to section 5 of the report where the proposed allocations of the planned capital programme funds for 2021/22 were outlined. It was advised that further details of the programmes of work were detailed in appendices 1 –10 of the report.

Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong Learning welcomed the report and the investment being taken forward within the schools identified, which she felt would help modernise the buildings and improve the environment for children to learn.

The Leader also commented on the additional investment and the significant progress made with the programme, during a difficult year.

With the agreement of the Leader, County Borough Councillor P Jarman also spoke on this item.

Following discussions the Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the Education Capital Programme priority schemes for 2021/22 as outlined in Appendices 1-9 of the report and to approve scheme commencement.

Publication date: 25/03/2021

Date of decision: 25/03/2021

Decided at meeting: 25/03/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 01/04/2021

Accompanying Documents: