Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Director Education & Inclusion Services referenced the duty placed on Council’s to secure ‘as far as is reasonably practicable’ sufficient childcare to meet the requirements of parents in its area who require childcare to enable them to take up, or remain in, work, or to undertake education or training which could reasonably be expected to assist them to obtain work. In respect of this duty, Councils are required to undertake a Childcare Sufficency Assessment (CSA) every five years, with annual reviews of the assessment and accompanying action plan.  Membres were advised that the last full CSA report was published in 2017 by the Council and that Officers are now starting to plan for the next full report, due in Spring 2022.


The Director provided Members with a detailed overview of the assessment adding that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the childcare sector across Wales has been significant.  The Director commented that the Council were incredibly proud of all childcare providers in RCT who have continued to deliver safe, quality care for children and their families throughout the last year in a professional and compassionate manner. The Director concluded by adding that despite the challenges of the last 12 months, the Council continues to be well placed with its existing childcare provision to meet the current needs of most working parents.  Development work continues to be undertaken in response to parental demand and in areas where there is an identified need


The Cabinet Member for Education & Inclusion Services commented on the positive feedback provided in respect of the CSA and reiterated the comments of the Director in respect of the delivery of childcare provision during an extremely difficult 12 months and the safe environments and quality of care provided to the Children of the County Borough.


With the agreement of the Leader, County Borough Councillor P Jarman addressed the Cabinet on this item.  


The Deputy Leader commented on the 30hour childcare provision and the benefits this provided for many working families.  The Leader also paid thanks to the childcare sector.




1.    To note the contents of the report.


2.    For the Director of Education and Inclusion Services to discuss with Welsh Government the future role of RCTCBC in delivery of the Childcare Offer for Wales.


3.    To receive a further report and updated action plan in June 2021

Publication date: 25/03/2021

Date of decision: 25/03/2021

Decided at meeting: 25/03/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 01/04/2021

Accompanying Documents: