Decision details

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Service Director, Frontline Services, presented to Cabinet the report, which set out the wider context, the background to, and reasons for the Bus Emergency Scheme (BES) and sought the agreement of the authority to sign up to the BES 2 scheme.


The Service Director spoke of the detrimental affect the Covid-19 pandemic had had on bus services. The Service Director explained that the social distancing measures had significantly reduced the passengers and therefore buses were often running at a financial loss.


Members were informed that furlough arrangements had supported those drivers who were currently not working, but emphasised the need for additional support to maintain a network of services in place during the Covid-19 emergency. As such, Welsh Goverment, working with Transport for Wales had requested that Local Authorities agree to the principles of the BES 2 scheme, which builds upon previous funding packages announced earlier in 2020, in order to protect the services.


The Service Director referred the Cabinet to Appendix 2 of the report and explained that the BES 2 agreement seeks to exert more control over the services to ensure they are efficient and more complimentary to the network of rail services within the area.


Members were informed that Monmouthshire County Council were the lead authority for South East Wales and were assured the Rhondda Cynon Taf Council would ensure an agreement is in place with Monmouthshire County Council to ensure its specific needs are met.


The Leader acknowledged the huge amount of work put in by officers and took the opportunity to thank them. The Leader commented that bus services do not have a regular income stream due to the fall  in passengers and that without the funding, the service would simply not be sustainable in the current circumstances.


The Cabinet Member for Environment, Leisure and Heritage Services echoed the comments of the Leader and expressed her gratitude to officer for their continued dedication throughout the pandemic.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To the principles of the BES 2 agreement (Appendix 2) to secure (conditional) financial support for the bus sector and to establish a relationship with Monmouthshire County Council, as signatory and the lead authority for South East Wales, that ensures that the ongoing emergency funding meets this authority’s priorities and is delivered on its behalf;

2.    To delegate authority to the Group Director Prosperity Development and Frontline Services to negotiate and agree any further amendments to the agreement that may be required following Cabinet approval; and

3.    To call for a further report on bus reform proposals relating to the future management of bus services in Wales.

Publication date: 14/01/2021

Date of decision: 14/01/2021

Decided at meeting: 14/01/2021 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: