Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Secretary to the Cabinet advised Members of the scrutiny arrangements in place in respect of the ‘Increasing Recycling Performance’ report. It was explained that the report was the second of two which had resulted directly from a conversation with the Chair, highlighting the good work between Cabinet and Scrutiny. Members were advised that the report would be pre-scrutinised by the Public Service Delivery, Communities & Prosperity Committee that evening and would be brought back to Cabinet for a decision in the near future.


The Director, Highways & Streetcare Services provided the Cabinet with information in respect of the proposal. It was explained that the Council has statutory targets to meet on recycling and failing to do so, would result in significant fines. With the current provision failing to meet targets, the following was proposed:

·       Rhondda – the current 4 bag allowance per fortnight be reduced to 2 bags;

·       Cynon & Taf – a ‘no side waste’ policy is brought in regardless of bin size, with the provision that the bin lid has to be closed.


The Director assured Members that the proposal would not have any adverse affect on those residents who correctly recycle but would, instead, target the few who do not.


The Leader of the Council added that following the pre-scrutiny of the proposal, it would clarify any misinformation such as the penalty process for the residents who incorrectly recycle. It was explained that there would be stages in place with warnings to ensure residents properly understand the service change, prior to inheriting any fines.


The Leader also added that unlike other Authorities, Rhondda Cynon Taf would not reduce the frequency of residential collection to less than fortnightly as it would penalise residents.


The Deputy Leader praised the use of Pre Scrutiny, commenting that it would ensure all Members fully understand the proposals prior to any decision and engagement with the public.




1.          To note the arrangements in place in respect of Pre-scrutiny of the ‘Increasing Recycling Performance’ report (as attached at Appendix 1).


2.          To consider the above mentioned report at a future meeting following pre scrutiny by the Public Service Delivery, Communities & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee.


Note: With the permission of the Chair, County Borough Councillor S Bradwick spoke on this item.


Dispensation to Speak:


Publication date: 25/01/2018

Date of decision: 25/01/2018

Decided at meeting: 25/01/2018 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: