Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Service Director, Democratic Services and Communication provided the Cabinet with the findings and recommendations of the Scrutiny Working Group, which was established to deal with ‘Recycling in Communal Areas’ following a presentation by the Group Director- Prosperity, Development & Frontline Services at its meeting held on the 27th of September 2018.
The Service Director spoke of the 9 month review undertaken by the Public Service Delivery, Communities and Prosperity Committee and the extensive engagement with a number of stakeholders. The Service Director went on to speak of the research culminated in the roll out of the Community Engagement Day which took place in Rhydyfelin, in partnership with the Social Housing Landlords and the Council’s Streetcare Services team as the area had been identified as having a poor recycling rate and high levels of black bag waste.
The Cabinet Member for Environment, Leisure and Heritage Services took the opportunity to thank the Scrutiny Committee, officers and the Social Landlords for the robust and comprehensive piece of work, which should improve the situation for future generations. The Cabinet Member was encouraged by the success of the Community Engagement Day in Rhydyfelin and the engagement with the Social Housing Landlords.
The Leader was pleased to announce that the validated recycling record for the current quarter was 67.18, which was a new record.
Members were pleased with the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee but felt that further deliberations would need to be taken forward in relation to recommendation xvi.
The Cabinet RESOLVED:
1. To note the work of the Scrutiny Working Group;
2. To recommendations i - xv contained within the report (and listed below) subject to further consideration by the Cabinet Portfolio holder with a detailed response to be provided to the Public Service Delivery, Communities & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee;
3. That further deliberations be taken forward with the Group Director, Prosperity, Development & Frontline Services and Chair of the Public Service Delivery, Communities & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee in relation to recommendation xvi as listed in the report, with a response to be provided to the Committee following such deliberations.
i. To continue progressing with the theme of ‘Rhyd Recycle Rescue’ in the trial area of Rhydyfelin where by residents are encouraged to want to take ownership and change their recycling habits;
ii. Direct the Council’s legal department to establish the suitability of data sharing and/or Service Level Agreements and to act upon it as appropriate; to consider establishing a formal agreement between RCT officers and Social Housing Landlords to meet formally on a regular basis;
iii. That Waste Services continue to be consulted on major planning applications, as appropriate and that Waste Services are consulted with prior to any new residents taking occupancy;
iv. To research and review any alternatives to collecting bulky items to address the fly tipping concerns in Rhydyfelin;
v. To research and review if recycling participation improves by delivering recycling bags to every resident in the trial area, for example, an agreed allocation of bags every quarter;
vi. To provide social landlords with equipment for their inductions, for example, food bins, recycling bags and leaflets, as and when required;
vii. To review the locations for the current BCP’s in Rhydyfelin and distribute letters to residents to remind them as to where their BCP is and the consequences of disposing their waste at another site and to consider similar trials in other areas;
viii. To review the signage and the design of BCP’s and the style/size of bins required;
ix. To use in-cab technology to identify recycling habits and trends, such as ‘WEBASPX’ to identify properties that require further awareness/enforcement;
x. To consider assisted collections to residents with mobility issues;
xi. To consider developing a formal arrangement between all schools across the County Borough and Waste Services to raise awareness on the importance of recycling efficiently and disposing waste appropriately;
xii. The development of an appropriate pilot scheme in Rhydyfelin, such as coloured refuse bags or the ‘Red/Amber/Green’ letter scheme and to use ‘WEBASPX’ to identify properties/areas of concern; a project plan will be developed to outline the timescales for identification of the trial areas, a communication timeline, a ‘go live’ date, follow up consultation and monitoring;
xiii. To consider progressing with the ‘Hackney Bin trial’ in Rhydyfelin and if recycling quality improves to consider a roll out into other areas across the County Borough;
xiv. That further investigation is given to the option of using CCTV at communal bin collection points as a deterrent to disposing of contaminated recycling, excess black bags and bulky items; and
xv. That successful prosecutions in respect of those residents who continuously refuse to recycle should be promoted and publicised by appropriate means to act as a deterrent to other residents.
Publication date: 17/10/2019
Date of decision: 17/10/2019
Decided at meeting: 17/10/2019 - Cabinet
Effective from: 24/10/2019
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