Decision details

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Service Director, Democratic Services and Communication provided the Cabinet with the findings and recommendations of the Food Register Scrutiny Working Group, which was  established to deal with a ‘Food Register in RCT’ following the Notice of Motion that was considered by full Council at its meeting held on the 24th October 2018.


The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the Finance and Performance Committee for the comprehensive piece of work and it was RESOLVED:

1.     To note the work of the Scrutiny Working Group;

2.     To each of the 5 recommendations of the Working Group, subject to further consideration by the Cabinet Portfolio holder for this area, following which a detailed response will be provided to the Finance & Performance Scrutiny Committee:

                             i.         That a bespoke directory of food producers and suppliers is available online to be used by businesses and consumers to identify local food producers and source food products from within RCT;

                           ii.         That additional resources are provided within the Regeneration Service in respect of business engagement to ensure that the directory would meet and enhance business needs and to maintain the directory on an ongoing basis; 

                          iii.         That the Web Development Team identify a suitable landing page for the directory and associated information and to develop an appropriate model;

                         iv.         That a specific marketing and publicity campaign is rolled out to support the directory in order to encourage participation; and,

                           v.         That specific controls are incorporated into the directory to only allow participation by compliant businesses, such as businesses who have attained a minimum of a three in respect of a food hygiene score, as referred to in paragraph 3.13 of the report; and

3.     That an update report is presented to a meeting of Council.


Publication date: 17/10/2019

Date of decision: 17/10/2019

Decided at meeting: 17/10/2019 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/10/2019

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