Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Service Director, Highways and Transportation provided Members with an update on the scheme which would provide a bypass to the A473 to the east of Llanharan from the existing first phase of the bypass constructed as part of the Llanilid Studios development to a point west of the existing petrol service station located alongside the A473 opposite Llanharan House (approximately). Members were reminded that the proposal was to create a 7.3m wide carriageway with Active Travel provision.
The Service Director commented that the construction of the Llanharan Bypass was integral to the regional strategic highway network of the Borough. It was also linked to the Strategic Opportunity Area (SOA) Llanilid on the M4: Driving the Regional Economy and is important to the wider economic opportunities for the western area of the County Borough and the Cardiff Capital Region.
Members were referred to the public consultation undertaken in respect of the scheme with the Service Director advising that in total 449 responses supported the Llanharan Bypass proposals with 453 supporting Option 2 as the final leg of the Llanharan Bypass (four responses did not include a preference on the options as presented). A number of issues / concerns were raised during this process and the Service Director added that the preliminary / detailed design would therefore consider the response and, where appropriate and reasonable, mitigation measures would be incorporated
The Cabinet Member for Adult Community Services and Welsh Language and local Members for the area welcomed the scheme commenting on the local benefits and improved connectivity within the region the scheme would provide, delivering greater economic opportunities.
The Leader also welcomed the work undertaken to date and spoke of the consultation results, also highlighting the importance of the active travel route that would be incorporated within the scheme.
1. To note the progress made and contents of the report;
2. That Option 2 – Eastern Route (as identified at Appendix A of the report) to be taken forward as the preferred route option for further development;
3. To the removal of the safeguarding of route SSA18.1 (western, Option 1, see Appendix A of the report) i.e. through the Welfare Ground in the Local Development Plan.
Publication date: 24/09/2019
Date of decision: 24/09/2019
Decided at meeting: 24/09/2019 - Cabinet
Effective from: 01/10/2019
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